Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar. 29.02.2016
Sing and Learn

Співай пісні та вчи англійську: Muse - Madness

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

Всім привіт! Це 2-й випуск рубрики Sing and Learn в цьому семестрі. У минулому семестрі ми з вами почали готуватися до концерту Red Hot Chili Peppers і розібрали одну з їхніх пісень. Я впевнена, що всі знають, що через день після Перців буде виступати не менш класна група - Muse. І я вирішила, що пора б поспівати і їх пісні в нашій рубриці!

[Verse: 1]
I can not get these memories out of my mind
And some kind of madness has started to evolve
I tried so hard to let you go
But some kind of madness is swallowing me whole, yeah

I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realised what you mean

[Verse 2:]
And now I need to know is this real love
Or is it just madness keeping us afloat?
And when I look back at all the crazy fights we had
It's like some kind of madness was taking control, yeah

And now I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realised what you need

And now I have finally seen the end
And I'm not expecting you to care, no
But I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realised
I need to love
I need to love

Come to me
Trust in a dream
Come on and rescue me
Yes I know I can be wrong
Maybe I'm too headstrong
Our love is ...


Чим нас може порадувати ця пісня, так це великою кількістю прикладів на всіма улюблений Present Perfect:

  • And some kind of madness has started to evolve
  • I have finally seen the light
  • And I have finally realised what you mean
  • And now I have finally seen the end


Subject + have/has + Ved/V3 → I have been to the concert of Hurts twice.


Subject + haven’t/hasn’t + Ved/V3 → But I haven’t been to the concert of Muse yet.


Have’Has + Subject + Ved/V3? → Have you been to the concert of Muse?

А тут розкішна Ронні розповідає нам про цей час і ще один час з групи Perfect.

Verb patterns:

  • I can not get these memories out of my mind (modals + bare infinitive)
  • And some kind of madness has started to evolve (start + infinitive)
  • I tried so hard to let you go (let + bare infinitive)
  • And now I need to know is this real love (need + infinitive)
  • And I'm not expecting you to care, no (expect + object + infinitive)

А ось вам і чарівний список слів, після яких ми використовуємо Gerund or Infinitive. Насправді, це далеко не весь список. Для того, щоб краще розбиратися у всіх цих герундіях і інфінітивах, потрібно більше читати, слухати і дивитися. І тоді, verb patterns будуть самі відкладатися у вас в голові.


  • Evolve (v) - to develop from other forms of life over millions of years (I think that their relationship evolved too fast)
  • Swallow (v) - to move your throat in order to make food or drink go down (this pill has to be swallowed)
  • Afloat (adj) - staying on the surface of water (Their ship was broken but they still were afloat)
  • Look back (phrasal v) - to remember something in the past (If you look back, you'll see how happy you used to be)
  • Headstrong (adj) - extremely determined (Mike is very headstrong. Nothing can change his mind)

А тепер саме час попрактикуватися і ще раз послухати пісню
До зустрічі через тиждень!

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