Vocabulary. 24.04.2014

Омофоны. Want and won’t

Автор: Маша Миронова

Hi, everyone!
Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы)  are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re so board, people will misunderstand you, because you’re not a board made of wood from a tree, you’re bored, you’re not interested.

Can you find another example in the picture? I’ll give you a hint  – it also has something to do with trees…

There are also words which have almost the same pronunciation, but still sound a bit different. For example, if you say “I want buy this” – it’s incorrect, because you meant “I won’t buy this”. One sound can make a great difference.

So as not to make fools of ourselves and do everything right, let’s find out a little more about…

Want and won’t

They are not homophones. They sound similar, but the pronunciation is different.

Омофоны. Want and won’tВот как произносится want: [wɒnt]
Want – хотеть.
Want to do something – хотеть что-то сделать.

  • I want to drink some coffee.
  • She wants a new dress.

Here are some phrases with “want”:
- Want in – хотеть зайти. The cat wants in.
- Want out – хотеть выйти. The dog wants out.
- What do you want me to say? – что ты хочешь чтоб я сказал? I’m sorry, what else do you want me to say?
- Want for nothing – иметь все что нужно. I promise, you will want for nothing.
- For want of a better word – за неимением лучшего слова. He called her his girlfriend for want of a better word.
- All I want is… – все чего я хочу – это…


Won’t произносится по-другому. [wount]
Won't = will not – не буду.

  • I will not go to your party = I won't go to your party.
  • He won’t work here in ten years.

Here are some phrases with “won’t”:
- I won’t breathe a word – я ни слова не скажу. You can tell me your secret, I won’t breathe a word to anyone.
- I won’t take up any more of your time – не буду больше отнимать у вас время – Thank you, i won't take up any more of your time.
- You won’t believe (what/who/where)! – ты не поверишь… ! – You won’t believe who I met today!

Что вы себе говорите, когда решаете добиться своего любой ценой? А вот что:

Now you can understand this:

Answer these questions:
1. What do you want to buy?
2. Tell me something you won’t do today.
3. Is a person who wants for nothing really happy?

Thanks for reading!

I hope you won’t confuse “want” and “won’t” anymore!

Омофоны. Want and won’t - 2

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