Grammar. 07.11.2013
Grammar Teacher

Английская грамматика: There is / There are

Автор: Grammar Teacher

Hello, guys! =)
Сегодня начинаю со своим первым уровнем тему “there is there are”, и поняла что я еще не писала об этом в Grammar blog! Как же так! Это же очень важная тема. Как иначе вы скажете “В моей комнате есть диван” ?

А вот как это сказать: There is a sofa in my room.

Итак, сегодня мы будем с вами обсуждать конструкцию

There is/ there are  

Этот оборот говорит о наличии или отсутствии какого-то предмета в указанном месте.

  • There is a desk near the window. В указанном месте (около окна) есть стол.
  • There aren’t any flowers in this room.  В указанном месте (в этой комнате) нет цветов.

Переводим мы эти предложения с конца. То есть если написано:
There is a sofa in my room, то начинаем мы не с дивана, а с комнаты: в моей комнате есть диван.

На самом деле конструкция выглядит так: there + be, то есть is и are это просто to be в Present tense. Можно эту же конструкцию использовать for the Past and for the Future, но об этом позже.

  • Present: there is/there are
  • Past: there was/ there were
  • Future: there will be


The Present

Итак, начнем с настоящего.

Конструкция такая:

находится (есть)   +   что   +   где
There is/are            +   что    +   где
There is                    a chair       in my room.
There are                  people      in the street.



Singular countable /


Plural countable


There is a desk in my room. /

There is some water in the cup.

There are three chairs in the hall.


There is not (=isn’t) a desk under the bed. /

There isn't (any) water in the jug.

There are not (aren’t) (any) chairs in the garden.


Is there a desk in the classroom? /

Is there (any) water in the bottle?

Are there (any) chairs in this store?

How much/how many

How much water is there?

How many chairs are there?

Short answers

Yes, there is

No there isn’t

Yes, there are

No there aren't









There is (There’s)

There are (There’re)


There is (There isn’t)

There are not (There aren’t)


Is there?

Are there?

To sum up:
Кстати, давайте поговорим о “a lot of”. Если “a lot of” стоит перед plural, countable (a lot of dogs, a lot of apples), тогда мы используем “there are”.

Если же у нас 'a lot of milk', 'a lot of snow', то есть a lot of + uncountable, мы используем “there is”

plural (countable)

There are

a lot of lots of


in the street

singular (uncountable)

There is


a lot of lots of




И еще:

Are there any apples?
НО: How many apples are there?

Is there any milk?
НО: How much milk is there?

То есть когда мы спрашиваем How much или how many, мы ставим apples или milk сразу после how much and how many, а не после is there, are there.

The Past

Let’s talk about the past form “there was/there were”.
По сути – то же самое что there is, there are, только вместо IS мы ставим WAS, вместе ARE ставим WERE.

Примерно вот так:



There is a cat on my bed.

There was a cat on my bed.

There isn't any milk.

There wasn't any milk.

Is there an orange in the fridge?

Was there an orange in the fridge?

No, there isn't.

No, there wasn't

There are several pens in my bag.

There were several pens in my bag.

There aren't any children in the room.

There weren't any children in the room.

How many people are there?

How many people were there?

Yes, there are.

Yes, there were.

The Future

А будущее – еще проще.
Вместо is, are и was/were мы ставим will be. Для всего. Sounds easy, right?

There + will + be + (что) + (где)

There will be presents under the Christmas tree at Christmas.





There will be + what + where

There will be many people at that party


There will not (=won't) be + what + where

There won't be any alcohol, though.


Will there be + what + where?

How many/much + what + will there be + where?

Will there be cute girls?

How much food will there be at the party?

Short answer

Yes, there will.

No, there won't.

Fill in the gaps with there is/ there are/ is there/ are there:

................ a beach down here.
................ four girls and two boys in her family.
................ a train to Manchester?
................ a new disco near the college.
................ a good restaurant in this street?
................ two hospitals in town.
................ a lot of children in the pool?
................ three families in that house.
................ a television in the flat?
................ a big grey cloud over there.

You can practice some more over here:

  1. There is or there are?
  2. Fill in the gaps
  3. Choose the correct answer
  4. There is there are questions
  5. Multiple choice (not only present)


Английская грамматика: There is / There are - 2

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