Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar. 08.04.2014
Newsday Tuesday

Новости. Sky News: Kate and William Arrive in New Zealand

Автор: Ольга Янкова

This royal madness doesn’t seem to be over soon. The royal wedding, the royal baby and now the royal baby’s first overseas visit. Well, I will give in to this royal craze and offer you a news clip from Sky News about little Prince George and his visit to New Zealand. And stay tuned for good-bye wave for “How I Met Your Mother” cast in bonuses.

Background – names, organizations and event you should know about:

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten-Windsor;born 21 June 1982 in London), is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and his first wife Diana, Princess of Wales, a grandson ofQueen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is second in line, after his father, to succeed his grandmother as monarch of 16 Commonwealth realms.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Elizabeth "Kate"; néeMiddleton; born 9 January 1982), is the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. Catherine studied art history in Scotland at the University of St Andrews, where she met William in 2001. They married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey.Catherine has had a major impact upon British fashion, which has been termed the "Kate Middleton effect".

Prince George of Cambridge (George Alexander Louis; born 22 July 2013) is the son of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and the only grandchild of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. After his grandfather and father, he is third in line to succeed his great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. Prince George's official title is His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge. According to his father, prince George is very active, that’s why he got a nickname “little rascal” in the family.

Wellington - is the capital city and second most populous urban area of New Zealand.

The Southern Hemisphere is part of the Earth that lies south of its equator. It contains four continents (Antarctica, Australia, about 9/10 of South America and the southern third of Africa), four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific) and most of Oceania.

Toddler - a child between the ages of one and three.

In order to understand this video we’ll need to know the following words.

Кажется, это королевское безумие никогда не закончится. Королевская свадьба, королевский ребенок, а теперь первый заморский визит королевского малыша. Что ж, я поддамся этой королевской мании и предложу вам новостной сюжет от Sky News о маленьком принце Джордже и его визите в Новую Зеландию.

Полезная информация – имена, организации и события, которые вам следует знать.

Принц Уильям, герцог Кембриджский (Уильям Артур Филипп Луис Маунтбеттен-Виндзор, родился 21 июня 1982 в Лондоне), старший сын Чарльза, принца Уэльского, и его первой жены принцессы Дианы, внук королевы Елизаветы II и принца Филиппа. Занимает второе место в линии наследования престола своей бабушки после своего отца.

Кэтрин, герцогиня Кембриджская (урождённая Кэтрин «Кейт» Элизабет Миддлтон, родилась 9 января 1982 года) – жена принца Уильяма, герцога Кембриджского. Кэтрин изучала историю искусств в Шотландии в университете Св. Эндрюса, где и встретила Уильяма в 2001 году. Они поженились 29 апреля 2011 года в Вестминстерском Аббатстве. Кэтрин оказывает значительное влияние на британскую моду, это уже назвали "Эффектом Кейт Миддлтон".

Принц Джордж Кембриджский (Джордж Александер Луис, родился 22 июля 2013 года) — сын герцога Кембриджского Уильяма и герцогини Кембриджской Кэтрин, единственный внук принца Уэльского Чарльза и принцессы Уэльской Дианы. После деда Чарльза и отца Уильяма занимает третье место в линии наследования престола своей прабабушки, королевы Елизаветы II. По словам отца, принц Джордж очень активен, за это он получил в семье прозвище «маленький бандит»

Веллингтон – столица и второй по величине город Новой Зеландии.

Южное полушарие – часть Земли, расположенная к югу от экватора. Она содержит 4 континента (Антарктика, Австралия, 9/10 Южной Америки и южная треть Африки), 4 океана (Индийский, Южно-Атлантический, Южный и Южно-Тихий) и большинство Океании.

Toddler – ребенок в возрасте от 1 до 3 лет.

Для того чтобы понять это видео, вам необходимо знать следующие слова.




making you feel less worried or frightened; comforting



hair, clothes etc that are windswept have been blown around by the wind

развевающийся на ветру


not confused, worried, or shocked by something that has happened


To get underway

To begin a journey or a project


To fidget

to keep moving your hands or feet, especially because you are bored or nervous


To been keen

wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much; eager

быть заинтересованным


a group of people who travel with an important person:



a country ruled by a king or queen


To capture

to succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or feeling, using words or pictures

поймать на камеру

To board

to get on a bus, plane, train etc in order to travel somewhere



Scary; making you feel worried and not confident


To work out

to think about something and manage to understand it



An enemy


To stare out

to look at (a person or animal) fixedly until his gaze is turned away

смутить взглядом


the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something



a brief period of excitement or activity



a friend with whom a child plays

напарник по играм

To catch up on

to complete or compensate for something belatedly



a promise to meet or be present at a particular place and time



And now replace the highlighted phrases in the following sentences by the ones we learnt. If you have difficulties with the task, try watching and inserting necessary phrases at the same time.

To been keen

А теперь замените выделенные фразы в этих предложениях теми, что мы изучили. Если у вас возникли проблемы с этим заданием, попробуйте снова просмотреть видео и одновременно вставлять необходимые фразы.

To board
To capture
To catch up on
To fidget
To get underway
To stare out
To work out

1.    A comforting wipe of her son’s cheek and Kate introduced Prince George to the southern hemisphere.
2.    Concentrating on carrying her 8-month-old down the steps, the blown with the wind duchess also had to contend with the weather.
3.    Prince George by comparison appeared indifferent, seemingly eager to meet his first foreign Prime Minister as this historical royal tour finally started.
4.    Moving in his mother’s arms, he was as if the third in line to the throne was eager to get going.
5.    A reassuring tap from dad, Prince William, and then facing forward, Prince Goerge’s first overseas royal wave to those of this far away British land.
6.    Following close behind the family of three, a company of many.
7.    But it was the Australian media hours before who had spoiled the carefully choreographed start of this tour, cameras catching the royal family in the Sidney airport transit area before getting on the royal New Zealand air force flight to Wellington.
8.    Scary, a traditional Maori welcome to the royal couple and government house in Wellington, designed to understand, whether the British visitors were a friend of an enemy.
9.    It was left to the duke to look fixedly at his host.
10.    William and Kate will operate a hop-based tour, which means they’ll travel in and out of cities in Australian and New Zealand to minimize the influence on their son.
11.    This tour will focus heavily on Prince George and so there was a wave of excitement as a baby appeared at the window of government house.
12.    Instead maybe a companion in games for the toddler for the duration of his stay.
13.    William, Kate and George will disappear from view for the next 24 hours as they compensate a little sleep and prepare for the young prince’s first public appearance here on Wednesday.

Language 1

Concentrating on carrying her 8-month-old down the steps, the windswept duchess also had to contend with the weather.

This is something that is called a participial clause in English language grammar. This sentence uses present participle in a clause – V+ing (concentrating). The clause itself is very simple. We use it to speak about two actions that happen at the same time or one right after the other in the sentence. Note: one subject performs both actions.
For example:

Это то, что называется participle clause в грамматике английского языка. В этом предложении используется present participle – то есть V+ing – глагол + окончание ing (concentrating). Сам оборот очень прост. Мы используем его, чтобы передать два происходящих одновременно действия или одно за другим в предложении. Внимание: оба действия выполняет одно лицо. Например:

•    He watched the TV and ate his dinner. – Watching the TV, he ate his dinner. (Смотря телевизор, он ужинал.)
•    Bob opened the door and let the cat inside. – Opening the door, Bob let the cat inside. (Открыв дверь, Боб уронил кота.)
•    I looked at the instructions and tried to assemble the dollhouse. – I tried to assemble the dollhouse, looking at the instructions. (Я пытался собрать кукольный дом, глядя на инструкцию.)
•    But: William was cooking while Kate was cleaning. (Но: Уильям готовил, пока Кейт убирала.)

Language 2

Concentrating on carrying her 8-month-old sondown the steps, the windswept duchess also had to contend with the weather.

In this sentence 8-month-old is a compound adjective. These compound adjectives are used when we need to give description using numbers. They usually come before a noun and act as a single idea.
For example:

В этом предложении 8-month-old (восьмимесячный) – это слагаемое прилагательное. Такие прилагательные используются, когда нам нужно представить описание с цифрами. Они обычно ставятся перед существительным и несут одну идею. Например:

Prince George is 8 months old. So we can say: 8-month-old Prince George. Принцу Джорджу 8 месяцев. Итак можем сказать: 8-месячный принц Джордж.

Usually to form this kind of adjective we use numeral + singular noun (note, never plural). The parts of such compound adjectives are hyphenated.

Hyphen is a useful mean to form compound adjectives even out of big phrases or sentences, like in the following example:

He gave me his classic I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-it look.

In this sentence “I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-it” is a compound adjective, which describes the noun “look”.

Such compound adjectives are often used in spoken/informal English.

And now a task. Rephrase the following sentences using participle clauses or compound adjectives:

Обычно чтобы образовать такие прилагательные, мы используем число + существительное в единственном числе (внимание, ни в коем случае не во множественном числе). Части такого составного прилагательного пишутся через дефис.

Дефис – удобный способ формировать слагаемые прилагательные даже из больших фраз и предложений, как в следующем примере:

He gave me his classic I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-it look.

В этом предложении "я-не-могу-поверить-что-это-сказала" – слагаемое прилагательное, описывающее существительное "взгляд".
Такие слагаемые прилагательные часто используются в разговорном английском.

А теперь задание. Перепишите следующие предложения, используя participle clauses или compound adjectives:

Language Task

  1. We had a flight from Kyiv to Shanghai, which lasted 10 hours.
  2. Kate wasrocking a baby and reading a book.
  3. This dessert has a taste as if it is out of this world.
  4. We weresearching for the keys, we found 100$.
  5. I took a German course, which lasted 10 weeks.
  6. A man was standing in the middle of the park, and he was trying to fly a kite.
  7. My friend went to the party, to which only college seniors were invited.
  8. I wasplaying with my phone, I completely forgot about my home assignment.
  9. Joan was sure to show her arrogant attitude, which was saying “You are all beneath me.”
  10. I opened the letter and got a paper cut.

I’m waiting for your ideas in the comments or my e-mail: [email protected]

PS.After first royal wave of Prince George, I decided to give this “good-bye wave” to “How I Met Your Mother” with the bonus video, which tells us how the story ends. Spoiler alert! If you haven’t seen the show finale yet, don’t watch it!

Жду ваших идей в комментариях или по электронному адресу: newsdaygf@gmail.com

ЗЫ: После первого королевского взмаха принца Джорджа я решила в бонусах показать видео с "прощальным взмахом" от "Как я встретил вашу маму", что расскажет нам, как закончится эта история. Внимание, спойлер! Если вы еще не видели финал сериала, не смотрите!


Answers to the previous issue about Global Warming

Vocabulary Task:

  1. searing; drought
  2. random
  3. mitigating; emissions; be at stake
  4. somber
  5. scarce
  6. face extinction
  7. flooding; forcing millions
  8. consequence
  9. ignorance
  10. polluting; stark

Language Task

  1. I have reasons to believe that coffee is good for me.
  2. I will no longer drink coffee in the evenings.

Prepared by Olha Yankova

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