Grammar, Listening, Vocabulary. 09.11.2015
Sing and Learn

Sing and Learn: Nickelback, песня Rockstar

Автор: Ксюша Муравская

Хочешь ли ты стать рок-звездой? Так чтоб с кучей фанатов, концертами по всему миру и твоим счастливым фейсом на обложках глянцевых журналов. Заманчиво, не правда ли? Я знаю одну группу, от которой мы можем получить полноценный лайфхак по тому, что необходимо иметь настоящую звезду! И даже если вы относитесь к числу людей, считающих Nickelback худшей группой в мире (, не спешите закрывать окно браузера, ведь новых и интересных слов здесь просто куча.

I'm through with standing in line
To clubs we'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the ninth
And I'm never gonna win
This life hasn't turned out
Quite the way I want it to be

 (Tell me what you want)

I want a brand new house
On an episode of Cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub big enough
For ten plus me

(So what you need?)

I'll need a credit card that's got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet
 (Been there, done that)
I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Cher and
James Dean is fine for me

 (So how you gonna do it?)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name

'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With her bleach blond hair

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

[Verse 2:]
I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
Sign a couple autographs
So I can eat my meals for free
 (I'll have the quesadilla, uh huh)
I think I'm gonna dress my ass
With the latest fashion
Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
Blow my money for me



And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
They'll get you anything with that evil smile
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

I'm gonna sing those songs
That offend the censors
Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser

I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs
Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong


And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
They'll get you anything with that evil smile
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

В плане грамматики здесь сплошной Future! И не удивительно, потому что ребята мечтают и представляют свою будущую жизнь рок звезд! Планируют, прогнозируют, предсказывают.
Future Simple is used to talk about:

  • Predictions based on your knowledge (I know/ I think/ I hope, etc);
  • Spontaneous decisions;
  • Offers;
  • Promises;
  • Threats;
  • Etc. 

•    To clubs we'll never get in
•    I'll need a credit card that's got no limit
•    We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
•    And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
•    (I'll have the quesadilla, uh huh)
•    And we'll hide out in the private rooms
•    They'll get you anything with that evil smile

Going to (Gonna) is used to talk about:

  • Plans;
  • Intentions;
  • Predictions based on evidence.

•    And I'm never gonna win
•    Gonna join the mile high club
•    (So how you gonna do it?)
•    I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
•    I think I'm gonna dress my ass
•    Gonna date a centerfold that loves to

Phrasal verbs:

  • Turn out – to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one (After the first date it turned out that Mike was married)
  • Hang out – to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people (Our daughter hangs out with Dave! We don’t like it, because he is a bad guy)
  • Wind up – to finally be somewhere or do something, especially without having planned it (If you don’t stop hanging out with that guys, you'll wind up in prison.)

Other words:

  • Jet (n) – an aircraft that flies very fast (I’m dreaming about my own jet. If I buy one, I’ll fly to the Maldives whenever I want)
  • Fortune (n) – a large amount of money, goods, property, etc. (Mie has made a fortune by selling kittens)
  • Fame (n) – the quality of being known by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc (Lady Gaga had always been thinking about the life of fame, that’s why she became a singer)
  • Gold digger (n) – someone, usually a woman, who tries to attract a rich person, usually a man, in order to get presents or money (- Helen isn’t a gold digger. –Come on! I’m not sure that she is married to 76-year-old millionaire because she loves him)
  • Tassel (n) – a decoration, made of a group of short threads tied together, which is hung on curtains, furniture, etc  (I don’t like this scarf because of the tassels) 
  • Mansion (n) – a very large house (When I become rich and famous, I’ll live in a mansion)
  • Centerfold (n) – a young woman with few or no clothes on, whose large photograph covers the two pages opposite each other in the middle of a magazine (You have no chances to marry Jason Statham, because he goes out only with  centerfolds)
  • Speed dial (n) – a feature on a telephone that makes it possible for you to call a number by pressing only one button (I have my mom’s number on speed dial, because I call her quite often)
  • Pez dispenser (n) - a thing that you can get candies from (I didn’t have a pez dispenser in my childhood, so I’ve decided to buy one)
  • Lip sync (v) – when a person moves his or her lips at the same time as a recorded sound or with another person (We don’t like Justin Bieber, because he lip syncs)
  • Mile high club – Preforming any sexual thing while being in an airplane during flight, usually in the bathroom. (Darling, let’s join the Mile high club when we fly to California next time. If you know what I mean  )
  • The bottom of the ninth (in baseball) – the last part of the game, the last chance to change the result.  
  • Cribs – MTV Cribs is a famous TV show where celebrities show their houses to cameras.

Надеюсь, что вы изрядно пополнили словарный запас и повторили Futures. Поэтому если вас спросят «Do you think you will live in a mansion one day?», или “Are you going to hang out with us tonight?” , вы не растеряетесь и сможете дать четкий ответ на эти вопросы.
Хорошей недели, до встречи!

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