Grammar. 02.04.2013
Grammar Teacher

Английская грамматика: Prepositions of time

Автор: Grammar Teacher

Hello, ladies and gentlemen =)

Перевели у нас часы, and I didn’t even notice it, потому что все мои electronic devices сделали это абсолютно on their own. Time flies by, теперь the sunset is на час позже, а вставать нам an hour earlier. Поэтому я решила, что нужно нам разобраться, how we can talk about time.

Итак, today я собираюсь вам рассказать about prepositions of time.
We use prepositions of time with time expressions, when we want to talk about time.

So, как нам нужно говорить, in Monday или on Monday? At night or On night? In New Year or on New Year? Как это все запомнить? How can we deal with it?
А вот как. Тут все очень просто.

Есть такая классная штука, называется the At-In-On pyramid.

По ней сразу видно, что what is on top – это самое точное время, для которого we use AT. Например,
  • I have dinner at 7 p.m. (7 p.m.- precise точное время, use AT)
  • Jackie goes to sleep at 11 p.m. (precise time, use AT)

Для longer periods of time, таких как days, we use ON.

  • I’ll see you on Friday. (Friday = day, so we use ON)
  • I was born on the 14th of December. (date = day, so use ON)

Для very long periods of time, such as weeks, years, months, centuries etc, мы use IN.

  • I like films made in the 1940’s. (decade = long period, use IN)
  • She likes going to the seaside in August (month = long period, use IN)

Here are some more examples for you:

Итак, in general, we use:
  • at for a PRECISE TIME
  • on for DAYS and DATES

Однако we have some exceptions. Например для AT есть standard expressions, в которых мы используем AT:

Expression Example
at night The stars shine at night.
at the weekend  I don't usually work at the weekend.
at Christmas/Easter I stay with my family at Christmas.
at the same time We finished the test at the same time.
at present He's not home at present. Try later.

А вот some common expressions для IN и ON:

in on
in the morning on Tuesday morning
in the mornings on Saturday mornings
in the afternoon(s) on Sunday afternoons
in the evening(s) on Monday evening

Let’s look at the time of the day that we have. Сутки у нас разбиты примерно вот так:

Для days and parts of the day мы можем использовать at, in, или on, и тут нужно look at this more closely:




One part of the day: at night

Some parts of the day (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)

Days of the week (on Sunday, on Friday)

Precise time of the day: at midnight, at dusk, at dawn, at five o'clock

We use this standard expression: in the daytime

Dates: On the 25th of September

Celebrations (special days): At Christmas, at Easter


Parts of special days: On the morning of Christmas Day, on the evening of December the 14th

One more thing: Когда мы говорим next summer, last year, last Tuesday – we don’t need any prepositions of time:

We use no prepositions with:  
  • Prepositions of timelast night, year etc
  • this morning, month etc
  • every day, night, years etc
  • today, tomorrow, yesterday
You can watch this video to understand prepositions of time better:
If you want to learn a little bit more, you can study this table. Тут есть более difficult examples of prepositions of time:

Prepositions in expressions of time






in months

in July; in September


in 1985; in 1999


in summer; in the summer of 69

part of the day

in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening


in a minute; in two weeks



part of the day

at night

time of day

at 6 o'clock; at midnight


at Christmas; at Easter

fixed phrases

at the end of the weekat the same time


days of the week

on Sunday; on Friday


on the 25th of December

special holidays

on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday; on my birthday

a special part of a day

on the morning of September the 11th


later than sth.

after school


how. far sth. happened (in the past)

6 years ago


earlier than sth.

before Christmas


time that separates two points

between Monday and Friday


not later than a special time

by Thursday


through the whole of a period of


during the holidays


period of time

for three weeks

from ... to



two points form a period

from Monday to Wednesday

from Monday till Wednesday

from Monday until Wednesday


time of the day

23 minutes past 6 (6:23)


point of time

since Monday


no later than a special time

till tomorrow
until tomorrow


time of the day

23 minutes to 6 (5:37)

up to

not more than a special time

up to 6 hours a day


during a period of time

within a day


А вот some exercises, которые you can use to practice:
Use your time wisely =)

Prepositions of time - 2
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