Grammar. 25.10.2016
Grammar Teacher

Modals of deduction в настоящем и прошлом

Автор: Grammar Teacher

Дедукция – это процесс принятия решения или ответа путем обдумывания известного факта или принятого решения. Знаменитый Шерлок Холмс использовал этот метод, чтобы найти преступников.

Modals of deduction: что это такое и как употреблять

Некоторые из нас используют этот метод в повседневной жизни для составления заключений на родном языке. Мы также используем дедукцию в английском языке. Есть даже список модальных глаголов, которые называются модальными глаголами дедукции (modals of deduction) – их мы и обсудим в этой статье.

Modals of deduction в настоящем времени

PRESENT. Мы используем модальные глаголы дедукции, чтобы сказать, насколько мы уверены в чем-то. Глаголы дедукции в настоящем времени: must, might, may, could, can't.

  • Мы используем must, когда уверены, что что-то верно, потому что есть очень веские доказательства:

He must live near here because he comes to work  on  foot. (We don’t know where he lives but we’re sure it’s not far away)
You are a computer programmer? It must be well-paid job.

Modals of deduction в настоящем и прошлом

  • Мы используем might, may или could, когда мы думаем, что что-то возможно, но мы не уверены:

What do you know about him? He might be a reserved person.
They may be late on meeting.
Don't eat it! It could be poisoned!

  • Мы используем can't / couldn't, когда предполагаем, что что-то не так:

She can't be a mother, she's only 14!
He can't be in prison, I saw him yesterday in a pub.
They couldn't be in a library. It's closed today.

Все модальные глаголы дедукции в настоящем зависят от того, насколько вы уверены в факте.


You're 100% sure Mike IS at home.

• Mike must be at home.

You're 50% sure Mike IS at home.

• Mike may /might /could be at home.

You're 100% sure Mike ISN'T at home.

• Mike can't be at home.


Структура всех modals of deduction в настоящем времени одинакова:
Affirmative: Subject + modal + V1 (bare Infinitive)
Interrogative: Modal + subject + V1 (bare Infinitive)?
Negative: No + subject + modal + not + V1 (bare Infinitive)

Modals of deduction в прошлом времени

PAST. Структура модальных глаголов в прошлом другая, но смысл очень похож (просто относится к прошлому):

  • Must + have Ved/3 – мы уверены, что что-то произошло в прошлом:

Where is my wallet?! Someone must have stolen it!
You're soaked. It must have been raining outside.

Modals of deduction в настоящем и прошлом - 3

  • Might, may, could + have Ved/3 – мы думаем, что что-то было возможно, но мы не уверены:

The thieves might have escaped by car but we can’t be sure.
He should be hour by now. He may have been delayed by a traffic jam or something.
I can’t find my purse. I could have left it in the supermarket but I just don’t know.




may have

possible (50%)

I suppose the internet may have changed the way we read forever

might have

less certain (33%)

It's possible that e-readers might have changed our reading habits permanently

could have

less certain (33%)

The traditional newspaper could have become a thing of the past


  • Can't, couldn't + have Ved/3 – мы уверены, что ничего не произошло в прошлом:

I thought I saw John in town this morning but it can’t have been him – he’s in Greece this week.
I can’t have left it in the supermarket – I had it on the bus on the way home.
You can’t have read the instructions properly. They’re perfectly clear.

Modals of deduction в настоящем и прошлом - 5

Как вы можете видеть в приведенных выше примерах, структура modals of deduction прошедшего времени следующая:
Affirmative: Subject + modal + have V3/ed 
Interrogative: Modal + subject + have V3/ed ?
Negative: No + subject + modal + not + have V3/ed

Вот таблица с модальными глаголами дедукции из нашей рубрики Visual Grammar для вас:

Modals of deduction



Somebody is knocking on the door! Who is that?

Somebody has eaten my hot dog. Who was that?

It must be John.

He promised to visit me today.

It must have been Tom.
There is some ketchup on his shirt.

We use MUST when we feel sure that something is true because there’s very strong evidence.

We use MUST + perfect infinitive when we feel sure about something in the past.

It might/may/could be Jehovah’s Witness. They often go door to door.

It might/may/could have been Jane.
She was in the kitchen 10 minutes ago.

We use MIGHT, MAY or COULD to say that we think something is possible but we’re not sure.

We use MIGHT, MAY or COULD with the perfect infinitive to say that we think something was possible but we aren’t sure.

It can’t be Sarah. She is in Green Forest now.

It can’t/couldn’t have been Lisa.
She is on a diet.

We use CAN’T when we feel sure something is not true.

We use CAN’T/COULDN’T + perfect infinitive when we feel sure something didn’t happen in the past.

It might not/may not be Lisa.
I think she would have called if she wanted to visit us.

It might not/may not have been Helen.

If I’m not mistaken she wasn’t hungry.

We use MIGHT NOT, MAY NOT to say that we think something isn’t possible but we’re not sure.

We use MIGHT NOT, MAY NOT with the perfect infinitive to say that we think something wasn’t possible but we’re not sure.

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