Fun. 15.02.2013

Delicious English - Italian Sweet Escape (part 1)

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко
Italian Sweet Escape
I know, I am supposed to give you a step-by-step recipe (пошаговый рецепт) of a new dish, this time though I decided to tell you first about my recent visit to Italy, and share with you my inspiration of Italian cuisine. The purpose of my visit to the land of good taste was the 34th International Exhibition SIGEP*, which was held in Rimini, quiet industrial at the first sight city if coming in winter time, while in summer it is one of Italy's most popular beach resorts. City itself is located on Italy's east coast, about 200 miles south of Venice, on the Adriatic Sea. So, not to lose the topic, I give you my small advice if you decide to travel Italy one day, and we`ll keep on talking about cuisine…

If you love ice-cream, and may be thinking about opening your own cafeteria or, how they say, gelateria, I steer (советую посетить) you to visit the Sigep Exhibition next year in January, where the whole world of baking, from the artisan to the industrial sector, will be coming to a world-leading event that´s the only one of its kind in Italy. What can I say, for the 3 days I`ve tried so many tastes of ice-cream  I haven`t tried for my latest 10 years of life. So take your family, couple or friend and go to Italy, the country of the best Gelato (ice-cream) in the world.

Here are some photos from the exhibition to make you feel like saying “so good that already drools” (так вкусно что аж слюнки текут)

p.s: BTW, Willy Wonka is fully edible!!!

And now I`ll share with you a recipe of a very lazy, or better to say easy to make, but super tasty Italian dessert, called Zuppa Inglese. Truth to tell Italian cookbooks still wonder about the origins (происхождении) of this dessert name, but the history shows that Zuppa Inglese really is an English trifle, in other words a pudding made with cookies and cream. Whatever, I just found it very yammy and would like you to try do it at home.

Zuppa Inglese*


  • Biscuits cookies (I took “lady fingers” one)
  • Syrup Alkermes*\
  • 6 egg yolks (желтки)
  • 6 tbsp. Sugar
  • 6 tbsp. flour
  • 1 l. milk
  • Zest of ½ lemon  (кожура половины лимона)
  • 1 bar of chocolate (100 gr.)
  • A pinch of salt

How to:  For custard (крем):

  1. Bring the milk to a boil (довести до кипения)
  2. Beat the egg yolk with the sugar well, then add the flour and the salt
  3. Pour the mixture in the boiling milk and continue to boil the custard on a low heat (на маленьком огне), while stirring with a whisk all the time (постоянно помешивая), until it thickens (загустеет). Then add lemon zest and let it stir in a cream for a while, for a good flavor (для придания аромата
  4. Add chocolate into the half of the custard and mix it until it is fully melted (пока не растанет).
  5. Mix 75 gr. of water, 50 gr. sugar and 50 gr. Alkermes. Soak (пропитать) the biscuit cookies with the syrup and place them into the small cups (or you can use one big dish – в одну большую формочку). (For syrup (plan B ) in case you won`t find Alkermes: 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar, 2/3 cup dark rum (темного рома)
  6. Spread out a layer (выложить слой) of white custard, then soaked cookies and then a layer of chocolate custard.
  7. Garnish with chocolate, berry jam (ягодный джем) and cookie if desired and let rest in the refrigerator at least for two hours.

 *  International Exhibition for the Artisan Production of Gelato, Pastry, Confectionery and Bakery

*   the name translates as "English soup"                                                                                                        

*  A Tuscan liqueur that was originally produced in Florence in the time of the Medici Family. The liqueur is spicy sweet and has a color somewhat like grenadine syrup. Alkermes is used in a variety of Tuscan desserts, especially Zuccotto, the cake that reminds one of the color and shape of Brunelleschi's dome on the cathedral in Florence.

Ciao and Bon Appetite!

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