Fun. 12.03.2013

Delicious English – Apple Pie

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

                                            …as English as Apple Pie

"Her breath is like the steam of apple-pies."
Robert Green

Let these words be a compliment to praise every woman this spring….
And now let`s talk about apples! You ask me, “why apples?”, Then I`m gonna ask you “Why English?” Craziness, but we should understand the symbolism of some dishes, especially the one, which has the great the story behind. So that when Englishman are saying  “as English as Apple Pie”, we should understand they totally refer it to their national dish..
Let me introduce you to the dish of the centuries, that is famous enough to call itself Apple Pie a la Mode!

Apple Pie


  • 100g. butter or margarine, softened at room temperature
  • 1 cup (~200 g.) sugar
  • 1egg
  • 2 cups  flour
  • 5 medium apples (two different varieties)
  • 1 pack of vanilla pudding (ванильный пудинг, который вы найдете на полках супермаркета)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 tbsp sour-cream (сметанка)

How to…

 1) Lightly beat (слегка взбить) together softened butter and sugar. Leave one tbsp. of butter aside. Add flour, egg and sour cream into the butter mixture, mix with a help of a spoon or use your hands! Here you  have a dough (тесто).  Put it in the fridge for 30 min.

2) Peel apples you chose for your pie and slice them into medium  pieces. Put apples into the pan with 1 spoon of butter (the one, I hope, you  previously set aside). Then add 2/3 cup sugar and stir altogether for 5  min on high heat to caramelize your apples in sugar!


3) Roll out (раскатать) the dough you took out of the fridge. Lay out (выложить) the dough in the baking form , previously oiled.

It`s better to chose one sour sort of apples and one sweet, to reach the harmony of  taste!

4) Make vanilla pudding according to the recipe on the pack.  Trust me, it`s not difficult, the only thing you have to do is to stir constantly. Let it cool (охладить) a bit and  pour (вылить) it in the form with dough.

5) Put the caramelized apples on the pudding and enfold (завернуть) the edges of  the dough (края теста)Smooth the edges of the dough with an egg yolk and bake your apple pie for about 30-45 min at 160-175 C.

Here you have your flavor  apple pie! It`s spring outside, so I guess you can afford yourself a ball if ice-cream on the top of your hot pie!

Bon Appetite!

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