Fun, Vocabulary. 10.02.2014

Як зізнатися в коханні англійською мовою

Автор: Анастасія Брандт

Коли свято всіх закоханих наближається з кожним днем, більшість людей починають замислюватись про це велике та світле почуття, не зважаючи на те, чи є у них друга половинка, чи ні. Коханню присвячено стільки всього: пісні, вірші, фільми, цілі книжки та, навіть, величезні будівлі. І взагалі, чого тільки люди не робили заради кохання.

Для того, щоб уміти зізнаватися в коханні англійською мовою і у найвідповідальнішу мить сказати щось ще більш романтичне, ніж просте «I love you», пропоную вам ознайомитися зі списком різноманітних висловів, ідіом  та фраз, які стосуються кохання.  Тож всім романтикам присвячується!

Щоб легше було орієнтуватися у великій кількості красивих висловів, пропоную розділити їх по розділам:

Falling in love

  • catch someone's eye = to be attractive to someone: "The shy man at the back of the class caught my eye."
  • to fancy someone (British English) = to find someone attractive: "My friend fancies you!"
  • to have a crush on someone = to only be able to think about one person: "When I was at school, I had a crush on a film star."
  • to have a soft spot for someone = to have a weakness for someone: "She has a soft spot for Richard – he can do anything!"
  • to have the hots for someone = to find someone very attractive: "She's got the hots for the new office manager."
  • to go out with someone (British English) = to date someone: "They've been going out together for years!"
  • to go steady = to go out with someone: "They've been going steady since their first year at university."
  • to fall for someone = to fall in love: "He always falls for the wrong types!"
  • to fall head over heels for someone = to completely fall in love: "He fell head over heels for her."
  • to be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love: "They're so lovey-dovey, always whispering to each other and looking into each other's eyes."
  • to have eyes only for = to be attracted to one person only: "He's dropped all his old friends, now that he has eyes only for Susie."
  • to be the apple of someone's eye = to be loved by someone, normally an older relative: "She's the apple of her father's eye."
  • to be smitten by someone = to be in love with someone: "I first met him at a party and from that evening on, I was smitten."
  • a love-nest = the place where two lovers live: "They made a love-nest in the old basement flat."
  • to be loved-up (British English) = to exist in a warm feeling of love: "They are one loved-up couple!"
  • to be the love of someone's life = to be loved by a person: "He has always been the love of her life."

Types of love

  • puppy love = love between teenagers: "It's just puppy love – you'll grow out of it!"
  • cupboard love = love for someone because they give you food: "I think my cat loves me, but it's only cupboard love!"

Getting married

  • to get hitched: "They're getting hitched next Saturday."
  • to tie the knot: "So when are you two tying the knot?"

If it goes wrong…

  • to go through a bit of a rough patch = when things are not going well: "Since the argument, they've been going through a bit of a rough patch."
  • to have blazing rows = to have big arguments: "We had a blazing row last night."
  • can't stand the sight of someone = to not like someone: "She can't stand the sight of him any more!"
  • to call it a day = to agree that the relationship has ended: "We decided to call it a day."
  • to be on the rocks = a relationship that is in difficulty: "Once she moved out, it was clear their marriage was on the rocks."
  • to have a stormy relationship = a relationship with many arguments: "I'm glad we don't have a stormy relationship."
  • a love-rat = a man who betrays his girlfriend / wife: "He's had affairs with three different women – he's a complete love-rat."


  • Marry in haste, repent at leisure = if you marry too quickly, you have the rest of your life to regret it!
  • Love is blind = when you love someone, you can't see their faults
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder = beauty is subjective
  • Let your heart rule your head = allow your emotions to control your rational side
  • Wear your heart on your sleeve = show other people how you are feeling


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