Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar. 22.02.2016
Sing and Learn

Співай пісні та вчи англійську: Scorpions - We Built This House

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

Привіт, ГрінФорестовці! Я навіть боюся згадувати, коли ж ми бачилися з вами в останній раз. А може, це наша перша зустріч? Тоді давайте ж швидше знайомитися. Мене звуть Ксюша Муравская і це моя щотижнева рубрика Sing and Learn. Щотижня я вибираю для вас пісню, в якій буду по поличках розкладати використану граматику і лексику. Звучить заманливо? Тоді ласкаво просимо в 1-й випуск 2-го сезону =)

Чесно кажучи, найскладніше в підготовці кожного випуску - це вибір пісні. Але, в цей раз все було напрочуд легко. Справа в тому, що я до сих пір під враженням від п'ятничного концерту, тому відкривають нашу рубрику легендарні Scorpions і їхня пісня з нового альбому «We Built This House».

[Verse 1:]

Love is the glue that hold us together
Faith and believing is the key, this door of forever
And baby you and I, we're every reason on Earth
To now and again, it's always us against the world,
Against the world

When the rain fell
And the flood came
And the wind blew hard like a hammer on these walls
We did not crack or break or fall
We built this house on a rock (oh ooh ooh)
This house on a rock (oh ooh ooh)

[Verse 2:]
And there is the time to face stormy weather
But we are always standing strong, a lifetime together
Baby you and I, we do not regret anything
And now it's the two of us again against the wind,
Against the wind


Brick by brick, we have set it up
Oh men, if these walls could talk
Bit by bit, based it on trust
We gave it all we got



  • Перше, що кидається в очі - це суцільний Past Simple в приспіві. Ще й з неправильними дієсловами.
  • When the rain fell (fall - fell - fallen)
  • And the flood came (come - came - come)
  • And the wind blew hard like a hammer on these walls (blow - blew - blown)
  • We didn't crack or break or fall
  • We built this house on a rock (oh ooh ooh) (build - built - built)
  • Oh men, if these walls could talk (can - could - been able to)
  • Bit by bit, based it on trust
  • We gave it all we got (give - gave - given

We use Past Simple:

  • for an action which happened at a definite time in the past. I watched a new episode of "The Big Bang Theory" a few days ago.
  • for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past. Tom entered the room and said 'Hi' to everyone.
  • for past habits or states which are now finished. In such cases we can also use the expression used to. Helen smoked (used to smoke) a lot when she studied at school.

А ось так ми формуємо пропозиції в цей час:



Subject + Ved/V2 → I heard a new song of Scorpions yesterday.


Subject + didn’t + V → I didn’t hear a new song of Scorpions yesterday.


Did + Subject + V? → Did you hear a new song  of Scorpions yesterday?

Зверніть увагу на ці реченя

• Love is the glue that hold us together
• Faith and believing is the key, this door of forever
• And baby you and I, we're every reason on Earth
• To now and again, it's always us against the world,
• And now it's the two of us again against the wind,

Що ми тут бачимо? Правильно, дієслово to be.






he, she, it

you, we, they


Клаус Майне не забуває про дієслово to be в своїх текстах. Be smart. Be like Klaus.

Ось як виглядають форми цього дієслова.
За подробицями можемо звернутися до Grammar Teacher.



  • Faith (n) - the belief that someone or something is good, right, and able to be trusted (I have faith in you! I know that you'll win)
  • Flood (n) - a situation in which a lot of water covers an area that is usually dry, especially when a river becomes too full (His garage was destroyed by a terrible flood)
  • Hammer (n) - a tool with a heavy, metal part at the top that you use to hit nails into something (Who is Thor? - That's one of the avengers with a hammer)
  • Crack (v) - to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way (Lisa has cracked the vase. Her mom will be very mad)
  • Set up (phrasal v) - create / start (Last year Mike set up his own company)
  • Brick (n) - a small, hard, rectangular block used for building walls, houses, etc (I do not want to live in a wooden house! I want to live in a house made of bricks)

На сьогодні все! Гарного вам понеділка і хорошої музики в навушниках ;-)






he, she, it

you, we, they



Subject + Ved/V2 → I heard a new song of Scorpions yesterday.


Subject + didn’t + V → I didn’t hear a new song of Scorpions yesterday.


Did + Subject + V? → Did you hear a new song  of Scorpions yesterday?

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