Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar. 30.11.2015
Sing and Learn

Sing and Learn: Adam Lambert, пісня Ghost town

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

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[Verse 1:]
Died last night in my dreams
Walking the streets
Of some old ghost town
I tried to believe
In God and James Dean
But Hollywood sold out

Saw all of the saints
Lock up the gates
I could not enter
Walked into the flames
Called out your name
But there was no answer

And now I know my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town

[Verse 2:]
Died last night in my dreams
All the machines
Had been disconnected
Time was thrown at the wind
And all of my friends
Had been disaffected

Now, I'm searching for trust
In a city of rust
A city of vampires
Tonight, Elvis is dead
And everyone's spread
And love is a satire


[Verse 3:]
There's no one left in the world
I'm gunslingin'
Don't give a damn if I go
Down, down, down
I got a voice in my head that keeps singing
Oh, my heart is a ghost town


В цій пісні ми бачимо чудове поєднання минулих часів – Past Simple vs Past Perfect.

Past Simple:

  • Died last night in my dreams
  • I tried to believe
  • But Hollywood sold out
  • Saw all of the saints
  • I could not enter
  • Walked into the flames
  • Called out your name
  • But there was no answer
  • Time was thrown at the wind

До речі, останнє речення – це один із прикладів Passive Voice у цій пісні, який ми формуємо наступним чином:

To be + V3/ed (у випадку Past Simple → was/were + V3/ed)
Past Perfect використовуємо для подій, які відбулися до якихось подій в минулому і и бачимо їх результат теж у минулому.

  • All the machines had been disconnected
  • And all of my friends had been disaffected

Формуємо цей час наступним чином → had + V3/ed
Але так як ця пісня знову радує нас Passive Voice, то отримуємо had + been + V3/ed

Є тут і  цікавий приклад на тему Gerund vs Infinitive:

  • Saw all of the saints
  • Lock up the gates

Справа в тому, що є ряд дієслів (see, hear, notice) піля яких ми використовуємо bare infinitive or gerund with difference in meaning.
Інфінітив показує, що ми бачили дію повністю (від початку до кінця). (я бачив, як святі закрили всі ворота)
Герундій – ми бачили лише частину усього процесу. (saw all the saints locking up the gates – бачив як святі закривали ворота)


  • Ghost town (n) – a town where few or no people now live (in every horror film a group of friends arrives to a ghost town with a desire to discover it)
  • flame (n) – fire (The car  burst into flames)
  • disaffected (adj) - no longer supporting or being satisfied with an organization or idea (Even so Petrosian did his best, people at his concert were disaffected)
  • gunslinger (n) - especially in the past in North America, someone who is good at shooting guns and is employed for protection or to kill people (Erica is dating with a gunslinger, so be careful)
  • Don't give a damn – don’t care (If you don’t do your homework, you will be expelled from school! – I don’t give a damn) 

До зустрічі наступного тижня) Бажаю приємного та продуктивного тижня! 

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