Vocabulary. 27.02.2019
Everyday English

Як сказати англійською, що вам щось не подобається

Автор: Маша Миронова

Last time we discussed how to talk about things we like. But what if we’re not always optimists and see life through rose-colored glasses? 
I think we should know how to say that we don’t like something, as well as that we like something! 


So this week I present to you phrases for dislikes: 

  • What really annoys me is… - Що мене дуже дратує – це... 
  • There’s nothing worse than… - Немає нічого гіршого, ніж... 
  • One thing that really upsets me… - Що мене засмучує – це... 
  • It makes me so infuriated! – Мене це так дратує! 
  • I’m seething! – Я кип'ячусь!
  • I'm not keen on (doing) something – Я не дуже люблю (робити) щось 
  • I hate (doing) something … - Я ненавиджу
  • I loathe (doing) something  – Я зневажаю
  • I dislike (doing something - Я не люблю
  • I’m not into (doing) something – Я не любитель робити щось 
  • I detest (doing) something – I hate doing it 
  • I can’t stand (doing) something = I hate it 
  • I can’t bear (to do) something – Я не терплю цього
  • I’m not particularly fond of (doing) something – Я не пристрасний до...
  • I'm not partial to … - Я не маю пристрасті до...… 
  • …doesn’t appeal to me. – Це не імпонує мені. 

Here's some slang and some idioms for you :

  • … is not my cup of tea – Це не моє, це мені не підходить
  • I'm not a big fan of – Я не фанат (чогось) 
  • I can take it or leave it = I don't care for it 
  • … leaves me cold. – I don’t feel any good emotions when I do it 
  • It gets to me when … - It makes me angry when … 
  • What really gets to me is… = what makes me angry is… 
  • I can't see what the fuss is about. – I don’t understand why people like it
  • I can’t work up any enthusiasm for it – I don’t feel excited about it 
  • I’m rather (cut off my arm), than… - Я б краще... (руку собі відрізав), ніж...
  • H8 = h8t = hate 
  • Have got a hate on for someone/something – I hate it 
  • To hate on someone – to be jealous of something 
  • Hate someone’s guts – to hate someone completely 
  • A hater – a person who can’t be happy for another person’s success 
  • It bugs me when… - I get annoyed when… 
  • It drives me nuts! – It makes me soooo mad! 

This girl doesn’t like a looot of things! Check out this video and see which of these things bug you, too! 

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