Grammar. 13.03.2014
Grammar Teacher

Англійська граматика: Present Perfect Continuous

Автор: Grammar Teacher

Минулого разу ми з вами обговорювали Present Perfect Simple, але у кожного simple, як ми знаємо, є continuous.

Отже – сьогодні в меню Present Perfect Continuous with a straw.

I love these cards. What about you?

Перш за все, слово "continuous" говорить про тривалість дії, а "Present perfect" натякає на результат і unfinished time.

If we put two and two together, отримаємо, що Present Perfect Continuous – це тривала дія з результатом, і час не закінчений.

  •  I’ve been reading an interesting book this week. (and I’m still reading)
  •  He has been standing there for two hours! (and he’s still standing)

Давайте ж докладніше розберемося, як будувати цей Present Perfect Continuous:

Have/has + been + V-ing




Short answers

I have been sleeping

I have not been sleeping

Have I been sleeping?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven't.

You have been sleeping

You have not been sleeping

Have you been sleeping?

Yes, you have.

No, you haven't.

We have been sleeping

We have not been sleeping

Have we been sleeping?

Yes, we have.

No, we haven't.

They have been sleeping

They have not been sleeping

Have they been sleeping?

Yes, they have.

No, they haven't.

He has been sleeping

He has not been sleeping

Has he been sleeping?

Yes, he has.

No, he hasn't.

She has been sleeping

She has not been sleeping

Has she been sleeping?

Yes, she has.

No, she hasn't.

It has been sleeping

It has not been sleeping

Has it been sleeping?

Yes, it has.

No, it hasn't.

І як в будь-якому іншому grammar tense, тут теж є contractions:

  • I have been V-ing = I’ve been V-ing
  • You have been V-ing = You’ve been V-ing (they’ve, we’ve)
  • He/she/it/John has been V-ing = He’s/she’s/it’s/John’s been V-ing
  •  Has not been V-ing = hasn’t been V-ing
  •  Have not been V-ing = haven’t been V-ing

Отже, коли ж ми використовуємо Present Perfect Continuous?

Duration from the past until now

Коли дія почалася в минулому і продовжується until now. We focus on the duration (тривалість) of the action.

She has been talking for more than an hour, my ears hurt!
I’ve been trying to call you all day!

He started waiting a long time ago and he’s still waiting. Maybe he will continue waiting, but we don’t know this.

When we focus on the result, not the duration, of the action, we use present perfect simple, not continuous.

В цьому прикладі ми хочемо підкреслити результат – the baby HAS GROWN one millimeter, that’s the result.

Recent action with a result NOW
If we don’t say the duration, (якщо не говорити for three weeks, since January тощо) we mean “recently”. Here we emphasize that the action happened in the past and it has a result NOW.

Why is the pavement wet? Because it’s been raining. – long action (raining) which is already over. But the result can be seen now – the puddles.

Have you been feeling well? – це значить що людина виглядає хворою, і ми хочемо поцікавитися, а не почувалась вона погано останнім часом? We mean recently. We have a result now – the bad appearance.

We can use the Present Perfect Continuous to emphasize that the action is temporary. Look at this example:
She’s been reading stupid novels lately. (She usually doesn’t read such books, usually she likes non-fiction, but lately she’s been reading stupid novels)

When we want to talk about a permanent situation, we can use the Present Perfect simple tense.
Jane has worked as a teacher for ten years. She is still a teacher, it’s her permanent job.

The Present Perfect Continuous focuses on the duration of an action, how long it has been happening, while the present perfect simple focuses on completion of the action – the result.

1) I’ve painted the dining room.
2) I’ve been paining the dining room.

In the first sentence, my action is over. The dining room is now painted and ready. We have a result.
In the second sentence, the action is not over, I want to show that it’s in progress, this is a process. Probably I look like this:

By the way, we can’t use the Present Perfect continuous tense with state verbs – we need to use the Present perfect simple with state verbs.

NOT : I’ve been knowing him for ten years, but I’ve known him for ten years. Know – state verb.

Now you know about the Present Perfect Continuous tense.

Хочете оволодіти правилами використання Present Perfect Simple та Present Perfect Continuous без зайвих зусиль? Тоді цей урок від українського онлайн-маркету для вас -

Don’t forget to practice over here:

1. Have or has?
2. Positive sentences
3. Negative sentences
4. Questions
5. Present perfect simple or continuous?
exercise 1
exercise 2
exercise 3
6. Result or process?
7. Put the words in order to make a sentence
8. Quiz

Thanks for reading =)  Hope this article was useful!


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