Grammar. 30.04.2013
Grammar Teacher

Англійська граматика: Prepositions of place

Автор: Grammar Teacher
“The scariest thing in the world is to not know your place.”

Hi, guys =)
Today I would like to tell you about prepositions of place.
Отже, що ж таке ці prepositions of place? Prepositions of place are the words we use when ми хочемо показати де що. Наприклад, чашка на столі. НА - it's a preposition of place.
Так які prepositions of place do you already know? 

Here’s a list I have:

  • At
  • In
  • On
  • On top of
  • Behind
  • Between
  • Next to
  • Under
  • Above
  • Over
  • By
  • Through
  • Inside
  • In front of
  • Beside
  • Opposite

And so on =)
Скільки цих words do you already know? 

А тепер let's look at each of them по черзі. 

Prepositions of place поділяються на two categories: prepositions of movement та prepositions of exact place.

Prepositions of movement tell us the direction (напрямок). Prepositions of exact place tell us де exactly знаходиться наш object.

Let’s look at prepositions of NO movement:

This is a cupcake:

This is a box:
We have a cupcake and a box.


In the first picture, the cupcake is IN the box. (всередині) 

In the second picture, the cupcake is ON the box. What is ON? It’s на коробці.

What is below? Look at the third picture. You’re right! Below = під. We can also say that the cupcake is under the box.

What is above? Guess from the fourth picture. The cupcake is above the box, and the box is below the cupcake.

Above and below are opposites (протилежні) за значенням. 

Next we have “near”. What is near? It’s a synonym of “by” and “next to”. Look at the picture. How can we translate “near”? Правильно, поруч! 
So the cupcake is next to the box. The box is near the cupcake.

Next we have “far”. The cupcake is far from the box. It is not near the box, it’s far from it.
Near and far are opposites. Far – далеко. 

The next two are “behind” and “in front of”. Do you think they have the same meaning or different meanings?

They have opposite meanings. The cupcake is in front of the box, and the box is behind the cupcake. In front of = перед, behind = за. 

Prepositions of placeIn the last line of pictures we have “among”, “around”, “between” and “opposite”.
What is around? We have a pink cupcake, and many yellow cupcakes AROUND the pink cupcake. Around = навколо. 

In the next picture, we have a lot of yellow cupcakes and one pink cupcake among the yellow ones. You’re right! Among = серед.

In the next picture with the three cupcakes we have two yellow cupcakes and one pink cupcake BETWEEN the yellow cupcakes.
So, between = між 

And in the last picture, we have two cupcakes. They are opposite each other, they are навпроти один одного.

Why did I skip the third line of pictures? Yes, because they are prepositions of movement, they show the direction.

Here are some prepositions of movement and their meanings:


На щось

Shows the direction that something that was not ON this object becomes ON this object

E.g. the cat jumped onto the TV set.

Off of

З чогось

Something that was ON this objects becomes NOT on this obiect

The cat jumped off the fridge onto the floor.


В середину

Something that was not IN becomes IN this object

The cat climbed into the box.

Out of


Something that was in becomes NOT in

The cat got tired of sleeping and climbed out of its box.



Something goes into this object from one side and gets out of it on the other side, it doesn't stay inside

The lion jumped through the hoop.



Shows an object that gets higher

I climbed up the staircase.



Shows an object that gets lower

A little child fell down.


З (чогось)

Shows the direction of increasing distance between the objects

I moved away from him.

To, towards

До чогось

Shows the direction of the distance between the objects becoming smaller

He walked towards her.



Shows the direction of something moving above something else

The bird flew over my head.



Shows the direction of something moving below something else

The little boy walked under the table.



Shows that the object moved next to this thing and then away from it

She walked past him without looking.



Shows that the object moved for some time in a line next to some other object or in a line on this long object (road)

I saw a girl who was walking along Broadway.



Show that the object crossed a line that was parallel to another object

I walked across the street.

And now, here are the three general prepositions of place, які потрібно знати кожному поважаючому себе Englishman.
Отже, we use:

  • at for a POINT (конкретне місце - ми точно знаємо де)
  • in for an ENCLOSED SPACE (замкнутий простір)
  • on for a SURFACE (поверхня)

Here are some examples:







at the corner

in the garden

on the wall

at the bus stop

in London

on the ceiling

at the door

in France

on the door

at the top of the page

in a box

on the cover

at the end of the road

in my pocket

on the floor

at the entrance

in my wallet

on the carpet

at the crossroads

in a building

on the menu

at the front desk

in a car

on a page


-    Jane is in France right now. (France – замкнутий простір)
-    I’m waiting for you at the bus stop. (
зупинка - конкретне місце в просторі)
-    Where is the clock? It is on the wall. (
стіна - поверхня

And here are some standard expressions with AT, IN and ON:




at home

in a car

on a bus

at work

in a taxi

on a train

at school

in a helicopter

on a plane

at university

in a boat

on a ship

at college

in a lift (elevator)

on a bicycle, on a motorbike

at the top

in the newspaper

on a horse, on an elephant

at the bottom

in the sky

on the radio, on television

at the side

in a row

on the left, on the right

at reception

in Oxford Street

on the way


-    I saw a bird in the sky.
-    Is there any water at the bottom of the bottle?
-    Don’t worry, I’m on the way! 

І, на закінчення, sing this song together with me:

Prepositions of place - 2

Wanna practice? 
Here are some exercises:

  1. Онлайн-курс з 13 уроків про всі найпоширеніші англійські прийменники для середніх рівнів з інтерактивними вправами на відпрацювання теми із самоперевіркою від -
  2. Fill in the gaps:
  3. Watch the video and do the exercise:
  4. Choose the correct answer:
  5. At, in or on? Fill in the gaps


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