Fun. 04.12.2012

Смачна англійська - Vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

            Vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing

                       .... Ванільні капкейкі з вершковою глазур'ю


  •  100g. butter or margarine, softened at room temperature
  •  ¾ cup (~150 g.) sugar
  •  2 eggs, lightly beaten (злегка збити)
  •  1 tsp. vanilla sugar with natural vanilla (ванільний цукор з натуральної ваніллю)
  •  1 cup (200 g.) all-purpose flour  
  •  ½ tsp. baking powder  (розпушувач)
  •   1 tbsp milk
  •  1 tbsp sour-cream (сметанка)

Try to find Vanilla sugar with natural vanilla, I can promise you that will make your cupcake  more flavory!)

For the buttercream icing (вершкова глазур):

  •  150g butter softened (розм'якшене вершкове масло)
  •  150gsugar powder (цукрова пудра)
  •   1 tbsp. milk
  •   1 tbsp. honey
  •    food coloring (харчовий барвник) …if you wanna make your cupcake more colorful.

If you don`t wanna use food coloring, you can chose any berry jam for the natural pink or red color, blueberry one – for purple!

How to...

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
  2. Crem (збити до кремового стану) the butter, sugar and the vanilla sugar together in a bowl.
  3.  Beat in the eggs (previously beaten)
  4. Fold in (обережненько всипати)  the flour, salt and baking powder, previously sieved (попередньо просіяв)                                                                     
  5. Adding a little milk and sour-cream.
  6.  Spoon (викласти ложечкою) the mixture into the paper cases (паперові формочки).
  7. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden-brown on top (до золотистої скоринки)     


When I say, until golden-brown color, that doesn`t mean you can`t check it with a toothpick…the main task is not to burn them, actually!

Buttercream icing 

  1. For the buttercream icing, beat the butter in a large bowl until soft.
  2. Fold in the powder sugar and beat until smooth.
  3. add milk into the butter mixture, keep on beating (продовжувати збивати) until the mixture is smooth and creamy (до однорідної кремової текстури).
  4. Add the food coloring (if you want to) and mix until well combined.
  5. Cover (покрити) your cupcakes when they cool down with a help of a piping bag (кулінарний мішечок) using a spiraling motion (спіральними рухами​)     

If there is no, so called, piping bag on your kitchen – don`t be upset, you can cover your cupcake with a help of spoon – it`s going to be even more creative! 

Note for you:

  • tbsp. = tablespoon – столова ложка
  •  tsp. = teaspoon – чайна ложка                                                                                                 

Bon Appetite!

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