Fun. 01.03.2013

Смачна англійська -Italian salt escape (CARBONARA)

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко


I advise you to start this spring with a promise, to spend more time on things that bring you joy. And even though cooking is not in that list of things, I`ll still recommend you one easy-to-make-in-20-min Italian dish!

What I`ve chosen  for you is not a dessert but a very energetic dish that would be a wonderful surprise for any supper. Let me introduce to you a classic Italian pasta recipe, originated in Lazio, Rome in 20th century, Carbonara.
Сarbonara basically consists of bacon and eggs in the pasta world!  It's simple yet very delicious. However, while the recipe itself is easy, timing (
розрахунок часу) is super critical to ensure  that the sauce comes out smooth and creamy.
Originally Spaghetti is used as a pasta for this dish, though I decided to deviate (
відійти від) from classic rules and chose Penne, as pasta type, which in my opinion are friendlier with sauce. So, cominciamo! (Let`s start!)


  • 200 g pasta ( сорту «Penne»)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 6 bacon slices, diagonally sliced
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup cream
  • 150 gr. shallot (цибуля шаллот)
  • salt and pepper
  • + 35 g parmesan cheese

How to…
   1.  Prepare a pan of boiling water and season with salt. Place the pasta into the pan, add 1 tbsp. of oil and cook for roughly 7-10 minutes.


   2. Meanwhile, add the olive oil into the preheated pan then add the chopped bacon. Stir for a few minutes. Add chopped shallot, fry altogether for 3 min on medium heat.
Don`t make bacon crispy, as it is promoted in the movies––you really want it soft and just slightly browned, trust me.

   3. Quickly dump the pasta in the strainer (
сито ... друшляк, або як він там) . Shake it for a few seconds to remove water and return it to the hot pot you used to boil it in.


When trying your pasta, make sure it’s not soft! Forget how your grandma made her favorite pasta “po flotski”, Italian pasta must be al dente (від іт. - «на зуб»)

  4. Put  the fried bacon with shallot and fat (!) over the pasta in the pot and stir it well.

   5.  Beat eggs together with cream. Add the sauce into the hot pasta and stir it well.

It is very important to use the warmth of the pasta to cook the egg souse. Do not overheat (перегріти) your pasta after adding creamy sause or  you'll end up with scrambled eggs!

 6.  After mixing thoroughly, season with salt and pepper.

Originally, this dish is made with parmesan, so don`t be a scrooge (скупий), go and buy 50 gr. of parmesan or grana padano ( сорт италійського сиру) and enjoy truly Italian taste!

    7. Here it is, hot and smooth, classical Italian pasta! Do not hesitate to serve it, Carbonara is a dish to be eaten freshly cooked!

Bon Appetite!

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