Fun. 26.11.2013

Смачна англійська - 30 MIN Chocolate-Cream Cake

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

                                                  30 MIN Chocolate-Cream Cake

I absolutely love anything made of chocolate so here is one of my favourite 30 min chocolate&cream cake recipes that you can prepare really quickly in your kitchen.  What I love about this cake is that it’s so simple. You can make it just before your guests arrive and still be not stressed about lots of ingredients and steps to follow.


1/3 cup (50 g) cacao powder
1/3 cup (50g) flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Pinch (щіпка) of salt
3  eggs
1/2 cup sugar
Condensed milk (cгущене молоко) 2 tbsp
1/3 cup milk or water

 For cream:
2 pack (800g) sour cream (сметана)
1/2 cup sugar

 How to…

Preheat the oven to 160 C.
Mix on the high speed 3 egg whites (білки) with sugar. Add egg yolks and mix for half a minute.

Sift the cocoa, flour, baking powder and sea salt into the egg mixture.
Mix well until smooth and combined.

Pour the mixture in a buttered pan (змащену маслом форму).
Bake the biscuit for 15 minutes or until cooked through (пропікся).
Remove from the pan and break into pieces (розламати на шматочки).

Soak the biscuit peaces with a sweet condensed milk mixed with water (or milk).
Mix in a separate bowl sour cream and sugar. Pour the cream upon the chocolate biscuit.

Let it cool in the fridge and enjoy!

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