Vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing
.... Ванільні капкейкі з вершковою глазур'ю
- 100g. butter or margarine, softened at room temperature
- ¾ cup (~150 g.) sugar
- 2 eggs, lightly beaten (злегка збити)
- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar with natural vanilla (ванільний цукор з натуральної ваніллю)
- 1 cup (200 g.) all-purpose flour
- ½ tsp. baking powder (розпушувач)
- 1 tbsp milk
- 1 tbsp sour-cream (сметанка)
Try to find Vanilla sugar with natural vanilla, I can promise you that will make your cupcake more flavory!)
For the buttercream icing (вершкова глазур):
- 150g butter , softened (розм'якшене вершкове масло)
- 150g. sugar powder (цукрова пудра)
- 1 tbsp. milk
- 1 tbsp. honey
- food coloring (харчовий барвник) …if you wanna make your cupcake more colorful.
If you don`t wanna use food coloring, you can chose any berry jam for the natural pink or red color, blueberry one – for purple!
How to...
- Preheat the oven to 180C.
- Crem (збити до кремового стану) the butter, sugar and the vanilla sugar together in a bowl.
- Beat in the eggs (previously beaten)
- Fold in (обережненько всипати) the flour, salt and baking powder, previously sieved (попередньо просіяв)
- Adding a little milk and sour-cream.
- Spoon (викласти ложечкою) the mixture into the paper cases (паперові формочки).
- Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden-brown on top (до золотистої скоринки)
When I say, until golden-brown color, that doesn`t mean you can`t check it with a toothpick…the main task is not to burn them, actually!
Buttercream icing
- For the buttercream icing, beat the butter in a large bowl until soft.
- Fold in the powder sugar and beat until smooth.
- add milk into the butter mixture, keep on beating (продовжувати збивати) until the mixture is smooth and creamy (до однорідної кремової текстури).
- Add the food coloring (if you want to) and mix until well combined.
- Cover (покрити) your cupcakes when they cool down with a help of a piping bag (кулінарний мішечок) using a spiraling motion (спіральними рухами).
If there is no, so called, piping bag on your kitchen – don`t be upset, you can cover your cupcake with a help of spoon – it`s going to be even more creative!
Note for you:
- tbsp. = tablespoon – столова ложка
- tsp. = teaspoon – чайна ложка
Bon Appetite!