Nutty Brownies
100 gr. dark chocolate (1bar) – 1 плитка чорного шоколаду
4 tbsp. cream (15%) - вершки
100 gr. butter, melted
4 egg whites (білки)
½ cup sugar
½ cup flour
½ cup cacao
1 tsp. baking powder (розпушувач)
Pinch of salt (дрібка солі)
1 tbsp. rum
50 g chopped nuts, optional (по бажанню)
How to…
Yeah-yeah-yeah...the same start every time! Preheat your oven to 180°C
In a large bowl over a hot-water bath (на водяній бані ), melt the chocolate with 4 tbsp. of cream (15% fat) and mix until smooth (до розчинення).
Add butter and mix until smooth again. Move from the heat and add 1 tbsp. of rum.
In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and salt.
Add chocolate mixture to the dry ingridients. Stir together well with a wooden spoon.
Beat the egg whites with sugar and mix in the chocolate mixture until you have a silky consistency (гладка консистенція).
Add nuts, if you're using them, and stir together. Pour mixture into a wide square pan (широку прямокутну форму) covered with a baking paper (пергаментний папір).
Bake for 30 minutes at 150°C. Let it cool and cut into small squares (порізати на невеликі квадратики) to serve.
Bon Appetite!