Vocabulary. 27.03.2014

Омофоны. Meet and meat

Автор: Маша Миронова

Hi, everyone!
Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы)  are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re so board, people will misunderstand you, because you’re not a board made of wood from a tree, you’re bored, you’re not interested.

Can you find another example in the picture? I’ll give you a hint  – it also has something to do with trees…

There are also words which have almost the same pronunciation, but still sound a bit different. For example, if you say “I want buy this” – it’s incorrect, because you meant “I won’t buy this”. One sound can make a great difference.

So as not to make fools of ourselves and do everything right, let’s find out a little more about…

Meet and meat

They are homophones. Произносятся они одинаково. Here is the transcription: [mi:t] 
Meet – встречать, знакомиться. This is an irregular verb: Meet-met-met 

  • I meet my friends every day. 
  • I met my best friend five years ago, and we’ve been friends since then. 

Here are some phrases with “meet”: 






I have a meeting at 10.

More to something than meets the eye.

Что-то интереснее, чем кажется сначала.

There’s more to Ana meets the eye.

Make both ends meet.

Свести концы с концами.

Mike has three different jobs to make both ends meet.

Meet one’s match.

Встретить достойного противника.

Sherlock Holmes met his match in Moriarty.

Meet someone halfway.

Пойти кому-нибудь навстречу, найти компромисс.

If you want to close this deal you will have to meet us halfway.

Meat has a different meaning. Переводится как мясо. 

Here are some phrases about meat: 

  • Raw meat – сырое мясо. Don’t eat raw meat, you need to cook it first. 
  • Red meat – темное мясо (говядина, баранина) Is red meat healthy? 
  • Meat-ball – фрикаделька. I like soup with meatballs. 
  • One man’s meat is another man’s poison – что одному хорошо, то вредно другому. I wanted to eat chips and Mike didn’t. Oh well, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. 

Which kind of chicken meat do you prefer? 

Fill in the gaps: 
1. I need to ___ my colleagues soon. We  planned this ___________ yesterday. 
2. Chicken isn’t ______ meat. 
3. Is it difficult for you to make both ends __________? 
4. My friend loves raisins and I hate them. Well, one man’s _______ is another man’s ____________. 

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