Новини. ABC News: Containing the Ebola Outbreak
Новини. ABC News: Containing the Ebola Outbreak
Last week I was on 5 different flights in 2 days, which made me think about Ebola outbreak in a slightly different way. With all the air travel the world has become really small, but at the same time the chance of spreading all sorts of diseases has definitely increased. That’s why I ended up…
Новини. CBS This Morning: Language of Food
Новини. CBS This Morning: Language of Food
This week I decided to let you watch a video about something as ordinary as menus and food. There’s nothing sensational about this report but it might help you to find quite a decent place to grab a bite. So let’s watch CBS This Morning talk to the author of “Language of Food: A Linguist…
Новини. VOA: Scotland Votes No
Новини. VOA: Scotland Votes No
One of the biggest news last week was the referendum on Independence of Scotland. And even though we already know the results (Scotland voted No), let’s see what the VOA will tell us about this referendum and its consequences for the UK and the world. Background – names, organizations and…
UT: Гогольфест і роздуми про війну
UT: Гогольфест і роздуми про війну
Dear readers, welcome back to our Tuesday Newsday. A lot has happened since our last news video. Unfortunately, not many of them made us feel optimistic. But there are some positive changes too. One of them is a Ukrainian English-speaking channel – Ukraine Today. If you still haven’t heard…
Англійські ідіоми - це просто
Англійські ідіоми - це просто
Ви розмовляєте зі своїм іноземним другом про іспит, який він склав минулої п’ятниці і тут він раптом говорить: «It was a piece of cake for me!» Якщо ви одразу уявляєте собі, як він після успішного складання іспиту смакував якийсь гарний шматок торта зі збитими вершками, тоді ви просто…
Новини. CNN: “Bearded lady” wins Eurovision contest
Новини. CNN: “Bearded lady” wins Eurovision contest
This week’s Newsday is going to be the last one this semester. We are going to watch a CNN’s video about Eurovision and widely discussed Conchita Wurst. Also don’t miss the job interview for one of the toughest positions in the world =) Background – names, organizations and event…
Омофони. Walk and work
Омофони. Walk and work
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омоніми) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Lost in Translations: хибні друзі перекладача
Lost in Translations: хибні друзі перекладача
Часом на новий блог "надихає" ситуація в країні, а часом - TV shows :) Сьогодні мене надихнув серіал :) psych ≠ псих По-перше, psych читається як /saɪk/. Вчи правила читання! Це зменшить кількість потенційних хибних друзів в твоїй голові :) Серіал, правда, мало стосується психіатрії. Він…
Новини. ABC: From Pope to Saint
Новини. ABC: From Pope to Saint
Last weekend an unprecedented event took place in Vatican: two Popes were made saints at the same time. Watch the ABC coverage and find out what it was like. Also don’t miss a man talking to his hand in a bonus video from BBC=) Background – names, organizations and event you should know…
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