Grammar, Vocabulary, Fun. 11.04.2016
Sing and Learn

Співай пісні та вчи англійську: The HARDKISS – Make up

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

Всім привіт! Я дуже рада, що ви зараз читаєте черговий випуск рубрики Sing and Learn. Сьогодні я вирішила «підтримати вітчизняного виробника» і розібрати з вами пісню української групи The HARDKISS - Make up!

My make-up is my armour
My dress is like the paramour
You wonna be my mover
And I want to feel you more and more

My make-up is my armour
My dress is like the paramour
You wonna be my lover
Do not you realise it's insecure?

Would you fight for it?
Would you prove that you love me?
I do not need any illusions

I need a conclusion that you'll fight for it

My music is my owner
My bit is complicated code
You're coming from the Nowhere
But you got into my deepest thought

My music is my owner
My bit is complicated code
The only thing I wonder
Are you ready to be overloaded?


To be:

  • My make-up is my armour
  • My music is my owner
  • My bit is complicated code
  • Are you ready to be overloaded?
  • Do not you realise it's insecure?

Про це маленьке, але дуже важливе дієслово не можна забувати!

На цій картинці ви можете бачити форми цього дієслова, а в наступній табличці - випадки вживання:

А тут ви можете подивитися класну Ронні

Present Simple:

  • And I want to feel you more and more
  • I don’t need  any illusions
  • I need a conclusion that you'll fight for it
  • The only thing I wonder

Present Continuous:

You're coming from the Nowhere

А про різницю між цими двома часами можна подивитися тут:

Ще в тексті є скорочення wanna:

  • You wonna be my mover
  • You wonna be my lover

wanna be = want to be

А ось і інші скорочення, які ви можете зустріти в англійській мові.


going + to

I`m gonna talk to him.


got + to

I've gotta go!


want + to

I wanna hold your hand.


let + me

Lemme go!


give + me

Gimme a break.


out + of

Get outta here!


kind + of

Kinda outta luck.


I'm + going + to

I'mma talk to him.


have + to

Hafta do it.


don't, doesn't + know

I dunno what to do.



  • Armour - metal clothing that soldiers wore in the past to protect them when fighting (Have you watched the film "Armour of God"?)
  • Paramour - the person you are having a romantic or sexual relationship with, but are not married to (Mike is her paramour. He has not proposed her yet)
  • Insecure - having no confidence in yourself and what you can do (Ann is a very shy and insecure teenager)
  • Conclusion - the opinion you have after considering all the information about something (I've come to the conclusion that Peter has to change his job)
  • Complicated - involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand (That task was to complicated for a 6-year-old boy)

На сьогодні все! До зустрічі через тиждень.

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