Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening. 21.03.2016
Sing and Learn

Співай пісні та вчи англійську: Shakira - Try Everything

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

Привіт друзі! Всім, хто в захваті від цих лінивців - присвячується!

Якщо ви вже подивилися, чи тільки збираєтеся подивитися мультик «Зоотрополіс», то саме час вивчити його theme song. Темою цього мультика стала пісня Шакіри в образі газелі.

Oh oh oh oh oh

I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
Lost to myself but I'll just start again
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
But I always get up now to see what's next

Birds do not just fly, they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

I will not give up
No I will not give in till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I will not leave
I want to try everything
I want to try
Even though I could fail

Oh oh oh oh oh
Try everything
Oh oh oh oh oh

Look how far you've come
You filled your heart with love
Baby you've done enough,
Take a deep breath
Do not beat yourself up
No need to run so fast
Sometimes we come last
But we did our best

I will not give up
No I will not give in till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I will not leave
I want to try everything
I want to try
Even though I could fail

I'll keep on making those new mistakes
I'll keep on making them every day
Those new mistakes

Oh oh oh oh oh
Try everything
Oh oh oh oh oh
Try everything



У цій пісні ми можемо побачити різноманітні часи і почнемо ми з Past Simple:

  • I messed up tonight
  • I lost another fight
  • You filled your heart with love
  • But we did our best

Present Perfect:

  • Look how far you've come
  • Baby you've done enough,

Давайте подивимося. Чим же ці часи відрізняються:


Так само можна послухати подкаст Інни Жарук, в якому вона так само розповідає  про різниці між цими часами. І ще один корисний подкаст є у мене для вас. Так як ці два часи тісно пов'язані з неправильними дієсловами, то потрібно їх нарешті вивчити. Так що ловіть подкаст, озвучений носієм мови.

Present Simple:

  • I keep falling down
  • I keep on hitting the ground
  • But I always get up now to see what's next
  • Birds  don't just fly, they fall down and get up
  • Nobody learns without getting it wrong
  • I want to try everything
  • Sometimes we come last

Present Simple


S + verb + object ...

I/we/they/you + like + tea.

He/she/it + likes + tea.

S + don't/doesn't + verb + object …

I  + don't + like + tea.

She + doesn't + like + tea.

Do/Does + S + verb + obiect?

Do + you/we/they/l + like + tea?

Does + he/she/it + like + tea?

Use it for …

* Facts.
* Habitual actions.
* Things that don't/won't change.
* Describing yourself.

Signal words

Adverbs of frequency, like:

*** The verb 'to be' is different ***

I + am (Australian.)

He/she/it + is (clever.)

you/we/they + are (nice.)

Ми прекрасно знаємо, що цей час використовується для рутини, звичок і т.д.
Більше можна побачити тут.

Future Simple:

  • I will not give up
  • No I won't give in  till I reach the end
  • And then I'll start again
  • No I won't leave


S + will (‘ll) + V

I will (I‘ll) see them tomorrow.


S + will not (won't) + V 

I won't do that.


Will + S + V?

Will you help me with this task?


Послухати про цей час можна тут.


  • Mess up - to spoil something, or to do something badly (Mike tried to cook borsch, but he just messed it up)
  • Keep up - to continue to do something, or to do something again and again (She kept on asking me questions the whole time)
  • Reach - to get to a particular level, situation, etc. (We hope to reach our goal by May next year)
  • Beat sb up - to attack someone by hitting or kicking them many times (He beat up one of the other prisoners)
  • Do your best - to make the greatest effort possible (I did my best to persuade him)

На сьогодні все! Доброго вам тижня =)

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