Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar. 21.09.2015
Sing and Learn

Sing and Learn: Hozier, пісня Take me to church

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

Привіт! Мене звати Ксюша Муравська і я ведуча нової рубрики “Sing and Learn”! Я впевнена, ви знаєте, що за допомогою пісень можна не тільки покращити навички вимови та аудіювання, а ще й чудово відпрацювати нову граматику та лексику. Саме тому щотижня я буду пропонувати вам одну популярну пісню, в якій ми будемо розбирати різні граматичні та лексичні цікавинки.

І відкриває нашу рубрику Hozier – Take me to church. Якщо ви думали, що пісня про релігію, то вам варто почитати інтерв’ю з її автором. В цьому інтерв’ю він розповідає, що його пісня про стосунки та рівність. А якщо вы дочитали інтерв’ю чи повірили мені на слово, переходимо до самої пісні, а потім і до граматики.

[Verse 1:] 
My lover's got humour,
She's the giggle at a funeral,
Knows everybody's disapproval,
I should've worshipped her sooner.
If the Heavens ever did speak,
She is the last true mouthpiece.
Every Sunday's getting more bleak,
A fresh poison each week.
“We were born sick”, you heard them say it,
My church offers no absolution,
She tells me, “Worship in the bedroom”.
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you,
I was born sick, but I love it,
Command me to be well.
Amen, amen, amen!

 [Chorus – x2:]
Take me to church,
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies.
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife.
Offer me my deathless death.
Good God, let me give you my life.

 [Verse 2:]
If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight.
To keep the Goddess on my side,
She demands a sacrifice,
To drain the whole sea,
Get something shiny,
Something meaty for the main course.
That's a fine looking high horse,
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful,
That looks tasty,
That looks plenty,
This is hungry work.

[Chorus – x2:]

No masters or kings when the ritual begins,
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin,
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene,
Only then I am human,
Only then I am clean.
Amen, amen, amen!

[Chorus – x2:]


Це не пісня, а суцільний Present Simple:

  • My church offers no absolution,
  • She tells me, “Worship in the bedroom”.
  • She demands a sacrifice,
  • That looks tasty,
  • That looks plenty,
  • No masters or kings when the ritual begins,

Тому не забуваємо про закінчення –s , звертаємося до Grammar Teacher та їдемо далі.

Future Simple for promises:

  • I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies.
  • I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife.

Imperative structure:

  • Command me to be well.
  • Take me to church,
  • Offer me my deathless death.

І нехай вас не лякає відсутність підмету. Для наказових структур це норма =)

Трошки modals:

  • I should've worshipped her sooner. → Should + have + V3/Ved – to show that something was good idea to do, but you didn’t do it. Я ще називаю це useless advice, бо варто було вчинити по іншому, але вже нема можливості щось змінити.

А ще you should learn some vocabulary:

  • Funeral (n) - a (usually religious) ceremony for burying or burning the body of a dead person. (At the funeral of Italian Mafioso musicians played the soundtrack from ‘The Godfather’.)
  • To worship at the shrine of sth (v) - to completely support or follow a particular idea, principle, etc. (Mike worships only on the shrine of his happiness and doesn’t care about the others.) 
  • Mouthpiece (n) - a person or a newspaper that only expresses the opinions of one particular organization (This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.)
  • Absolution (n) - the act of forgiving someone, especially in the Christian religion, for something bad that they have done or thought. (Helen went to church to ask for absolution)
  • Pagan (n) – a person who has a little or no belief. (Bob doesn’t go to church on Sundays because he is a pagan)
  • Sin (n) - the offence of breaking, or the breaking of, a religious or moral law (Peter committed a lot of sins when he was young)
  • Sacrifice - the act of killing an animal or person and offering them to a god or gods, or the animal, etc. that is offered (The people offered a lamb as a sacrifice for their sins.)

Ну як, багато нових слів вивчили? Молодці! А тепер мерщій слухати і радіти від усвідомлення, що тепер все набагато зрозуміліше)

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