Fun. 16.09.2014

Open Kitchen. Шоколадні еклери з сіллю від Наталії Лотоцької

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко
 Salt&Chocolate Éclairs 
With Natalia Lototska

Summer flies and it's time to open the doors of my kitchen to discover new recipes with the people you know.
Open Kitchen starts sweet autumn with the guest from Green Country  - Natalia Lototska!
We are cooking Chocolate Éclairs with Salt today. But before starting to explore new tastes, let`s dive in the history of the dessert itself to know more about the origin of  éclairs!

So, what exactly are the éclairs?
A true éclair is long, thin pastry made with custard cream and coated with glaze. Actually, “Éclair” is french word for - “lightning”. It`s believed that pastry received it`s name because of sparkled glaze. In our recipe we use classic chocolate glaze.

Moreover I propose you to watch  the video from Kitchen Chemistry about chocolate.  I believe that knowing the nature of the products will help you to cook them in more tasty way! And knowing the process of chocolate preparation will make your chocolate dishes even more 

Useful Vocabulary





is the name given to various kinds of baked products made from ingredients such as floursugarmilkbuttershortening,baking powder, and eggs.


custard (cream)

cooked mixture of milk or cream and egg yolk.

заварний крем

Glaze (chocolate glaze)

substance applied to food typically by dipping, dripping, or with a brush

Глазур (шоколадна глазур)

To coat with

To cover, to spread



 is pastry made with choux dough filled with a cream and topped with icing

Еклери, профітролі

200gr. butter
220 ml water 
210 gr. flour
375gr. eggs(yolks) - жовтки
Pinch of salt (щіпка солі)
Dark Chocolate bar-100gr (плитка чорного шоколаду)
Cream 20%- 3tbsp (вершки)
How to...
1) put the cubed butter to the water and boil it, until the butter is melted.

2) take the butter-water mixture from the heat and add flour. Mix on the low speed until smooth.

3) add one by one egg yolks and a pinch of salt. Keep mixing until the dough is smooth

4) put small ball-shaped or long finger-shaped pieces of dough on the  baking tray.
5) bake for 25 min at 160C

6) make hot chocolate mixture by melting one chocolate bar with cream.
7) cover ready-made eclairs with chocolate and sprinkle with a see salt(a bit for every éclair).

8) let your éclairs cool down 
Enjoy your Eclairs
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Сб.-Нд.: 10:00-15:00
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