Fun. 20.11.2014

Open Kitchen. Чорничні скони з Ілоною Повх

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко
 Blueberry SCONES
With Ilona Povh
I  had  a great possibility to improve my baking skills this autumn, by having a two-month internship at the top hotel kitchen at Hilton, Kiev. I collected many useful cooking tricks and found out a lot of new things about the bakery world. So that the recipe I chose this time is traditional Scones. However, I decided to add blueberries in a dough to make them sound more interesting , but you can still try to make them plain, or just use raisins instead of blueberries (which would be even more traditional).
So, let`s start with the HISTORY OF SCONE itself:
Scones are related to the ancient Welsh tradition of cooking small round yeast cakes (leavened breads) on bakestones. 
One claim, probably not the best, says that scones are named for the Stone (scone) of Destiny, a stone upon which Scottish kings once sat when they were crowned. 
Originally, scones were made with oats, shaped into a large round, scored into four or six wedges (triangles) and baked over an open fire. With the advent of oven baking the scones were baked individually.
Today’s scones are quick breads, similar to American biscuits. They are traditionally made with wheat flour, sugar, baking powder or baking soda, butter, milk and eggs, and baked in the oven—both in the traditional wedge form and in round, square and diamond shapes.
Guest of my green kitchen today is Ilona Povh, beautiful teacher from Yappi Business English School.

We found it super easy to bake scones, plus the recipe of the dough itself can be mixed with different fillings, up to your mood. As for us-we choose to add blueberries (frozen!)
Useful Vocabulary





any official or formal program to provide practical   experience for beginners in an occupation or profession




a substance, as yeast or baking powder, that causes fermentation andexpansion of dough or batter.



a piece of anything of like shape:«a wedge of pie»

  велика скибка

     yeast cakes

a cake or sweet bread containing yeast as a leavening agent

  здоба, дріжджові торти


the peel, especially the thin outer peel, of a citrus fruit used forflavoring


Blueberry Scones

Flour – 2 cups
Baking powder – 2tsp
Sugar – 5 tbsp.
Butter – 125 g
Zest of 1 lemon
Egg – 1
Sour cream – 100ml
Cream(15%) – 4-5tbsp
Blueberries (frozen)-100g

To serve: 
Cream cheese
1. Preheatoven to 180C
2. Sift the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl.
3. Add sugar and a pinch of salt.
4. Grate lemon zest*(look for the useful trick of how to do it quickly at the photo below).Add zest into dry ingredients.
5. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs and melted to theroom temperature butter.
6. Add sour cream and cream
7. Add all dry ingredients into the butter mixture. Mix well until you form the ball from the dough (use extra flour if needed)
8. Dust your work surface with flour and roll out the dough to the sickness at about 2-3 cm.
9. Sprinkle frozen blueberries on top of the dough and roll the dough ONCE more.
10. Take a cookie cutter form or just a glass and cut forms from the dough.
11. Arrange your scones on abaking tray, lined with a baking paper.
12. Bake for 10-15 min at 170C

When scones are ready, I prefer to cut them on halves and spread a bit of cream cheese, sprinkle some nuts and pour honey! Wonderful sandwich-scone to try)

Have a great teatime!
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