Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar. 25.02.2014
Newsday Tuesday

Maidan as seen by BBC (18+). Розбір новин

Автор: Ольга Янкова

We continue watching news videos with you today. Unfortunately, this is the only possible topic for this week’s video. It would be totally unreasonable to discuss another piece of news disregarding the fact whether you support or oppose the protests in our country. So, the BBC journalist from Kyiv reports on the bloodiest day of Maidan.

I wouldn’t recommend watching this video to anyone under 18 or people with weak nerves since it contains scenes of violence.

Background – names, organizations and events you should know about:

Hotel Ukraine – a hotel, which is situated in Instytutska Street, right above the Independence Square.

Comrade – here not a form of addressing people used during the USSR, but means "friend", "colleague", or "ally"

Triage center - the center where it is decided which patients should be treated first based on how sick or seriously injured they are

Armored personnel carrier – a type of armoured fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield.

The Interior Minister – head of government ministry typically responsible for policing, national security, supervision of local governments, conduct of elections, public administration and immigration matters.

In order to understand this video we’ll need to know the following words, all connected with war and military activity.

Сьогодні ми з вамі продовжимо дивитися новини. На жаль, для цього тижня є лише одна можлива тема для новин. Якусь іншу новину обговорювати було б нерозумно, не зважаючи на те Ви підтримуєте чи не підтримуєте протести. Отже, журналість БіБіСі з Кієва розповідає про найкривавіший день Майдану.

Я би не рекомендувала це відел до перегляду неповнолітним та людям зі слабкими нервами, адже воно містить сцени насильства.

Корисна інформація – імена, організації та події, які вам варто знати.

Готель Україна – готель розташований по вул. Інститутська, прямо над Майданом Незалежності.

Comrade – товариш – тут використовується не як форма звернення за часів СРСР, а у значенні друг, колега, союзник.

Triage center – центр, де вирішується, кому з пацієнтів надавати допомогу в першу чергу в залежності від хвороби чи серйозності поранення.

Armored personnel carrier – БТР – броньований транспорт для перевезення піхоти на поле бою.

The Interior Minister – міністр внутрішні справ, голова міністерства, що відповідає за міліцію, національну безпеку, нагляд над урядом на місцях, проведенням виборів, соціальним адмініструванням та питаннями іміграції.

Для того, щоб зрозуміти це відео, Вам необхідно знати наступні слова, усі воні пов’язані з війною або військовою діяльністю.




the agreement between enemies to stop fighting for some period of time



physically hurt


To bleed profusely

to lose a lot of blood because of injury or illness

сильно кровоточити

To venture

dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant

наважитися, відправитися


Resistant, noncompliant


To man

here: defend


To break through

make or force a way through a barrier


To take smb up on

accept an offer that someone has made


To crack down on

start dealing with bad or illegal behavior in a more sever way


To ransack

go hurriedly through a place stealing things and causing damage

обшукати, пограбувати

To seize

to arrest or capture somebody



caught and held as prisoner


A rebel

a person who fights against the government of their country

бунтар, повстанець

To salvage

to try to save things that have been damaged



the violent killing of a large number of people


To pay the price

to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or something you have done

поплатитися за щось


And now replace the highlighted phrases in the following sentences by the ones we learnt. If you have difficulties with the task, try watching and inserting necessary phrases at the same time.

А тепер замініть виділені фразі у цих реченнях на ті, що ми вивчили. Якщо у вас виникли проблеми з цим завданням, спробуйте ще раз переглянути відео і одночасно вставляти необхідні фрази.
  • A rebel
  • Captured
  • Carnage
  • Defiant
  • Injured
  • To bleed profusely
  • To break through
  • To crack down on
  • To man
  • To pay the price
  • To ransack
  • To salvage
  • To seize
  • To take smb up on
  • To venture
  1. The agreement not to fight didn’t last long.
  2. These are the hurt people and the bangs we hear are the real gunfire.
  3. Another one lay on the floor of the lobby losing a lot of blood from his foot.
  4. We left the hotel and dared go up towards the new front line.
  5. The injured just kept coming in, some still resistant.
  6. At the same time fresh protesters came forward to defend the new barricades.
  7. We forced our way through the police lines right here.
  8. He invited his police force to join him. It’s not clear if any have agreed to that offer.
  9. There are reports that security forces are refusing to follow orders to severely act against the protesters.
  10. That was the headquarters of the protesters until it was robbed and damaged, firebombed.
  11. Marian told me how he’d helped to catch the officers.
  12. We tried to find the caught policemen in several government buildings occupied by different protest groups.
  13. Or should we start to call them people fighting against their government?
  14. That depends on whether some sort of peace can still be saved from the last three days of mass killings.
  15. Many here believe they are suffering for that now.

Language 1

During the coverage, the journalists uses the phrase seem to a couple of times:

Під час репортажу журналіст кілька разів використовував фразу seem to:

The protesters seem to be trying to retake some of the territory taken from them by police just a day or so ago.
The majority of gunfire seemed to be coming from the police lines.

It is translated as “здається” and is used when the speaker wants to assume something. He sees the situation and can make a conclusion from what he sees, but he doesn’t have 100% information that it is absolutely true. Вона перекладається як “здається” і використовується, коли той, хто говорить, хоче щось припутити. Він бачить ситуацію і може зробити висновки з того, що бачить, проте не має 100% впевненості, що це абсолютна правда.

You seem to have a problem with me. (I am not sure, but I feel it.Не впевнений, але це відчуваю)

Subject (Підмет) + seem + to infinitive

We always start the sentence with the subject – a person or a thing that we are talking about. A subject can be one work or a phrase. Seem is used in any simple tense form (it is a state verb which is not used in continuous). After seem we always use to infinitive.

Ми завжди починаємо речення з підмета – особи чи речей, проя кі ми говоримо. Підмет може бути виражений одним словом чи фразою. Seem можна поставити у будь-який час групи simple (це дієслово стану, що ніколи не використовується в continuous). Після seem ми завжди використовуємо to infinitive.

All kinds of monkeys like bananas. – All kinds of monkeys seem to like bananas.
You didn’t want to sleep. – You seemed not to want to sleep.
He is busy now. – He seemed to be busy then.
She is dancing. – She seems to be dancing. (continuous infinitive)
I didn’t trust him. – You seem not to have trusted him. (perfect infinitive)
We have lost my wallet. – We seem to have lost your wallet. (perfect infinitive)

Language 2

Last time we learnt a phrase with “nowhere” – in the middle of nowhere – very far from everything.

In this news coverage we also can hear the reporter use this word.

He was nowhere to be seen.

It means that it was impossible to find him. Nobody saw him. 

This phrase also has a couple variants:

Минулого разу ми вивчили фразу з “nowhere” – in the middle of nowhere. – дуже далеко від усього.

У цьому новостійному сюжеті ми також чуємо, як репортер вживає це слово.

Це означає, що його неможливо знайти. Ніхто його не бачив.

Ця фраза також має ще 2 варіанти:

-    nowhere to be found – Even though I wasn’t late for dinner, my date was nowhere to be found (I couldn’t see him anywhere. Я ніде його не бачила.)
-    nowhere in sight – A compromised politician was nowhere in sight. (There was no information about him.Про нього не було інформації)

So now let’s watch the video one more time and find the answers to the following question (there should be three of them): А тепер подивіться відео ще раз і знайдіть відповіді на наступне запитання (їх має бути три):


What seemed to happen in Maidan?
Who seemed to use the firearms?
And who is nowhere to be found these days?


What do you think about it?

I’m waiting for your ideas in the comments or my e-mail: [email protected]

PS:Todays Bonus – No Comments

А що ви думаєте з цього приводу?

Чекаю на ваші ідеї в коментарях або за електронною адресою: [email protected]

ЗИ:Сьогоднішній бонус – без коментарів

Answers to the previous issue.
Vocabulary task:

  1. To catch the eye of
  2. In the spotlight
  3. In the long run
  4. Boon
  5. To put one’s hat in the ring
  6. To benefit from
  7. To bank on
  8. In the middle of nowhere
  9. To celebrate somebody/something
  10. Bottom line

Language 1 Task:
It’s the Olympic spirit for one.
For another, people who live in these places like to celebrate their cities.
And here’s one more, over the past 10 Olympics the hosting nation has on average won 54 percent more medals than when it was not hosting.

Prepared by Olha Yankova

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