Fun. 18.12.2013

Смачна англійська - Red Velvet Christmas Cake

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко
Red Velvet Christmas Cake


100g butter, softened
1 cup flour (sifted)
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2  tsp baking soda
1/3 tsp salt
 3/4 cups sugar
1/3 cup vegetable oil (рослинна олія)
1 large egg, at room temperature (кімнатної температури)
1/3 tablespoon red food coloring (червоний харчовий барвник)
1/3tsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk (вершки 10%)

Frosting (крем):
100g cream cheese (крем-сир)
1 cup whipped cream
3 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp vanilla sugar
pinch of salt

How to…

Preheat the oven to 200C degrees .

Seave (просіяти) the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.

Beat the sugar with butter and the vegetable oil in a mixer on medium speed about 4 minutes.

 Beat in (вбити) the egg. Beat in the food coloring, lemon juice and vanilla.

Reduce the mixer speed to low; add the flour mixture alternating (по черзі) with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with the flour, until just combined.

Butter (змазати маслом) the  cake pan. Pour  the batter in the prepared pan. Bake about 30 to 35 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes. Using a long knife, slice the cake in half horizontally to make 2 even layers.

Make the frosting: Beat the whipped cream (30%), add  cream cheese and mix until fluffy (до повітряної текстури). Add the honey and salt; beat until smooth.

Spread frosting on the first layer of the cake and cover it with the second layer. Cover the top and sides with a thin layer of frosting (it doesn't have to be perfect).  Chill in the fridge at about 30 minutes

Surprise your friends with your red velvet cake)

Merry Christmas and Sweet New Year!!!!

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