Fun. 30.09.2013

Смачна англійська - Pro Profiteroles

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко



•    100g butter
•    1 glass of water (225ml)
•    1 cup flour (225g)
•    3 eggs
•    pinch of salt (дрібка солі)

For the filling

•    1 pack of vanilla pudding (упаковка ванільного пудингу)
•    400 ml. milk (for the pudding)
•    Vanilla sugar with natural vanilla
•    Sugar powder

How to…

•    Preheat the oven to 200C.

•    Preheat the water in the saucepan and place the butter in it. Wait for the butter to melt and boil.

•    Take the saucepan off the heat (зняти з вогню), Add the pinch of salt and the flour. Mix well.

•    Add the eggs, one at a time (по одному), beating the mixture well before adding the next egg. When your dough looks like the one I have on the photo, allow it  to cool slightly.

•    Cover the baking tray (противень) with the baking paper (пергаментний папір). Take two tea-spoons of the dough and form the small balls.

One thing you should remember is that the pastry will double in size (подвояться в розмірі) while baking, so leave plenty of space (достатньо місця) on the sheet between the balls of dough to let them expand (збільшиться).

•    Put it in the oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180C, until they are golden and firm (тверді) on the outside and dry (сухі) on the inside. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

•    For the filling, make the vanilla pudding according to the recipe on the back of the pack.

•    Using the cookie press (кондитерский шприц) or piping bag (кондитерський мішечок), pipe in (вдавіть) some of the vanilla cream into the profitroles

•   To serve (для подачі), place each profiterole into the middle of a plate and dust with (присипати) sugar powder.

Here are your yummy homemade profitroles!

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