Fun. 14.02.2014

Смачна англійська -Fortune cookies

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

                                                                    Fortune Cookies

February, the month of love, and the St. Valentine’s day is day of showing our love to the people we care about!

So those of you who have the loved ones, do not put off preparing presents ! And even if you have already bought something,  just make additional sweet surprise, it won`t leave anyone half-hearted.

Fortune cookies are a great chance to sweeten your relationship! If you are going to tell me you haven`t found that One person yet , cheer up (не сумуйте) These cookies are also perfect for parties,  B`Days or any other occasions if you want to make a surprise.

• 2 large egg whites
• 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• 1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract
• 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (рослинної олії)
• 8 tablespoons flour
• 1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch (кукурудзяний крохмаль)
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 8 tablespoons granulated sugar
• 3 teaspoons water


This fortune cookie recipe makes about 10 cookies.
1. Preheat oven to 150ºС. Grease (змастити) baking sheets with butter. 
2. In a medium bowl, lightly beat the egg white, vanilla extract, almond extract and vegetable oil until light frothy (легка пінка).

3. Sift the flour, cornstarch, salt and sugar into a separate bowl. Stir the water into the flour mixture.

4. Add the flour into the egg white mixture and stir until you have a smooth batter. The batter should not be runny (рідке), but should drop easily off (легко стікати) a wooden spoon.

5. Scoop batter onto the cookie sheet, spacing them at least 3 inches apart. Form circles 8-10 sm. in diameter with the help of the spoon.
6. Bake until each cookie turns golden brown and they are easy to remove from the baking sheet with a spatula (лопаткою) (14 - 15 minutes).

7. Working quickly, remove the cookie with a spatula and flip it over in your hand. Place a fortune in the middle of a cookie. To form the fortune cookie shape, fold the cookie in half, then gently pull the edges downward over the rim of a glass, wooden spoon or the edge of a muffin tin. Place the finished cookie in the cup of the muffin tin so that it keeps its shape. Continue with the rest of the cookies.
P.Shere are few ideas of what to print on your fortune paper…

There can be LOVE quotes:
"The pleasure of love is in loving."
-Francis, duc de La Rochefoucauld
“Love is what you’ve been through with somebody.”
-James Thurber
“A friendship that like love is warm;
  A love like friendship, steady.”
-Thomas Moore 

Or there can also be the things you wanna say to the one you love
May your love ever spread like jelly on bread:)
You are my superspecial!
Can`t take my eyes out of you…

Any other ideas of what to write in fortune cookie, come one - share your propositions!!!)))
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