Новини. NBC News: Rosetta Lander “Philae” Lands on Comet
Новини. NBC News: Rosetta Lander “Philae” Lands on Comet
Last week the scientists and space fans all over the world had a possibility to witness a big step in the exploring of space live on TV. NBC News story will explain us what it was and how it can help us solve the biggest mystery of life. Don’t miss an extra video from BBC which will explain what…
Вивчення англійської за допомогою мультиків
Вивчення англійської за допомогою мультиків
Вивчаючи англійську мову, ми, як правило, використовуємо різні методи: слухаємо подкасти та радіо, дивимося серіали і передачі, читаємо книги і періодику на мові оригіналу, підкреслюємо і виписуємо слова в глосарій тощо. Сьогодні я розповім вам ще про один, здавалося б, забутий, але в той же час дуже…
Новини. NYT: Halloween’s Ice Queen, Elsa From ‘Frozen’
Новини. NYT: Halloween’s Ice Queen, Elsa From ‘Frozen’
Last Friday the Halloween was rocking the night with all the fun and scary costumes and parties. The usual witches, vampires, pumpkins and superheroes were all over the place. But there was one more character that managed to win the love of every little girl and make it to the Halloween dress up party…
ITalk: Оксана Різун та Олена Горбатко. Каучсерфінг
ITalk: Оксана Різун та Олена Горбатко. Каучсерфінг
Оксана Різун Альона Горбатко Ми попросили дівчат відповісти на пару запитань: Як ти потрапила в ГФ? Давно тут викладаєш? Альона: Я працюю в Грін Форесті з вересня 2009 року. Тоді я переїхала до Кbєва навчатися в магістратурі і паралельно шукала роботу викладачем. Мій друг на той час працював у Yappi…
Новини. ABC News: Parents Sued For Kids’ Facebook Prank
Новини. ABC News: Parents Sued For Kids’ Facebook Prank
Social media is not only a way to stay connected to people you like but also a really dangerous tool for those who don’t like you. This week’s story is about a girl suing her classmate and his parents over a Facebook prank. Some legal vocabulary and another point for the parents to think…
Читай новини і вчи англійську – The youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner
Читай новини і вчи англійську – The youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner
One of the most extraordinary and inspiring stories last week was about this amazing young girl from Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai who became a Nobel Peace Prize winner at the age of 17. Watch the CBS Evening News story about Malala and her co-winner from India Kailash Satyarthi. Background – names,…
Новини. ABC News: Containing the Ebola Outbreak
Новини. ABC News: Containing the Ebola Outbreak
Last week I was on 5 different flights in 2 days, which made me think about Ebola outbreak in a slightly different way. With all the air travel the world has become really small, but at the same time the chance of spreading all sorts of diseases has definitely increased. That’s why I ended up…
Новини. CBS This Morning: Language of Food
Новини. CBS This Morning: Language of Food
This week I decided to let you watch a video about something as ordinary as menus and food. There’s nothing sensational about this report but it might help you to find quite a decent place to grab a bite. So let’s watch CBS This Morning talk to the author of “Language of Food: A Linguist…
Новини. VOA: Scotland Votes No
Новини. VOA: Scotland Votes No
One of the biggest news last week was the referendum on Independence of Scotland. And even though we already know the results (Scotland voted No), let’s see what the VOA will tell us about this referendum and its consequences for the UK and the world. Background – names, organizations and…
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