About English Language, Reading. 08.04.2020

Reading aloud and learning the English language

Author: Yulia Blazhevych

While complete beginners are about to learn English, it is always advisable to read aloud more often. However, many note that it is more challenging than reading silently. What is the matter? Firstly, our body gets tired more quickly, as the muscles of the mouth and vocal cords are not accustomed to English pronunciation and cannot function for extended periods. Secondly, while reading aloud, it is harder to grasp the content of the text. Reading aloud engages not only sight but also pronunciation, meaning the brain is occupied not only with listening to information but also with vocalizing it.

Reading aloud and learning the English language (photo)

What are the benefits of reading aloud while learning English?

It develops three skills at once: listening, speaking and reading. At this moment, we see the text, reproduce it and hear it.

  1. Pronunciation practice: By reading aloud, you might encounter challenging and unfamiliar words, increasing the likelihood of consulting a dictionary. This, in turn, can lead to significant improvement in pronunciation.

  2. Speech speed: Learning English will be easier if you gradually increase your speaking pace. By reading aloud, you will develop a tempo that closely resembles the speed of a native speaker.

  3. Vocabulary: New words are learned faster if they are spoken. The next time you look at the dictionary, the word will pop up in your linguistic, auditory, and visual memory.

How can you learn English while reading aloud?

  1. Reading various texts, including poems, scientific publications, literary works, articles in journals, and so on, is beneficial for language learning.

  2. It is necessary to read at least 10 minutes a day. The ideal option is to allocate 30 minutes for this type of training. This time is enough for the language to become clear and fast.

  3. Attention should be drawn to grammar as well. While reading English aloud, take your time and notice articles as well as verb tenses; this way you can quickly memorize basic grammar rules.

  4. First, the text should be read entirely, then unfamiliar words should be found. It can be challenging to understand the content at first glance. Though, afterwards, you can work on vocabulary by looking up words in the dictionary and listening to their pronunciation.

  5. Read slowly, pronouncing each sound and word clearly, making pauses where necessary. This is the only way for effectively working on both pronunciation and intonation.

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