Vocabulary, Writing. 23.04.2019

How to write an informal letter in English

Author: Tamuna Kvanciani

Even now, we still sometimes write letters not for work, but to friends and acquaintances. In this case, the tone of the email is light and casual, and we can use abbreviations, emoticons, and acronyms. In other words, the style of such emails is informal.

If you still need to write a formal or business letter, read my previous article ‘How to write a formal email in English’.

How to write an informal letter in English (photo 1)

What makes an informal email different from a formal one?

    1. Not always full sentences
Been there 2!
instead of
I have been there too.

    2. Contractions
Ive seen ppl like these before
instead of
I have seen people like these before

    3. Abbreviations
OMG! U can't b 4 real!

Oh my god! You can not be talking for real!

Keep a list of the most popular abbreviations that can be seen in messages and letters:

  • ASAP - as soon as possible
  • AFAIK - as far as i know
  • AKA - also known as
  • B4 - before
  • Btw - by the way
  • BK - because
  • IDK - I don“t know
  • IMO - In my opinion
  • EOD - end of day
  • LOL - laughting out loud
  • OMG - oh my god
  • TTYL - talk to you later
  • HAND - have a nice day
  • TNX - thanks
  • FYI  - for your information
  • PS - posstscript
  • Y/N - yes or no
  1. Lack of transition words. We reserve the use of transitive words like however, moreover, nevertheless for formal emails, while in informal emails, their use is not required.
  2. More like a text. An email is more like a text message.
  3. Lack of punctuation.
  1. Informal greetings and sign-offs.
    Hey you, whats up! Cya, Greetings!
    instead of
    Dear, ... ..best regards, Sincerely ...

To learn more about the difference between formal and informal emails, watch this video:

Despite the fact that an informal email may resemble a larger text message, it still has a certain structure, namely, subject line, greeting, intro, body, ending, sign-off. Let's look at what each of these parts consists of below.

Subject Line

The subject line of an informal email to friends or relatives should be interesting. For example:

  • To all, beer party this weekend!
  • Happy holidays, guys!
  • Waiting for your reply asap, plz!


  • Dear Mary
  • Hello Mary / Hi Mary / Hi there Mary!
  • Morning / Afternoon / Evening Tim!
  • Hello again Tim!
  • Hey hey hey!
  • Whats up, buddy!
  • Salut, cutie!
  • Cheers to my oldie!


  • How are you?/How's it going?/How are you doing?/How are things?
  • How have the family been?/ I hope you are well.
  • It's great to hear from you
  • Sorry, I got lost for ages, but ...
  • Long time, no see! 
  • Just a quick question about ....


In this part, we describe the reason why we are writing. It can be one or two sentences, or it can be several paragraphs. In any case, below you will find phrases that you can use in the body of your message:

  • As for ....
  • I need to know exactly, tell me
  • Did you heart about?
  • I was so surprised to hear that ...
  • Listen, did I tell you about ...? You'll never believe what ...
  • Did you know that ...?
  • I'm / We're having a party on Friday 19th and I / we hope you'll be able to come.
  • I'm writing to ask for your help / you (if you could do me) a favour.
  • I wonder if / I was wondering if you could help me / do me a favour. 
  • I hope you do not mind me asking but could you (possibly) ...?
  • I'd be very / really / terribly grateful if you could ... 
  • If you like, we can ...
  • Do visit ... / Do not forget to ...

Ending the email

  • I should get going / Well, it's time to go well / I have to go now
  • Time to round up
  • Take care of yourself
  • Make sure you write soon
  • Write soon!
  • Always happy to hear from you!
  • Keep me updated / informed


  • Love
  • Lots of Love
  • All my love 
  • Take care 
  • Best
  • Regards 
  • Thanx
  • Rgds
  • Cheers
  • Bye for now
  • See you soon

How to write an informal letter in English (photo 2)

Let's look at an example of an informal letter: you are writing to a friend because you will be in her city and want to stay with her for the night.

  • Subject line: Quick question. 
  • Greeting: Hey Jane! 
  • Intro: How are you? Hope everything is fine and you’re happy at your new working place:) Myself I’ve been so busy lately, I realize I urgently need a break...which is a reason why I'm writing… 
  • Body: So, I'm planning to be in your town next week on Friday and was wondering if its possible to stay at your place overnight/ I would be extremely grateful and guarantee you a nice company and some red wine, I'm going to bring specially for yours 
  • Ending: Looking forward to hear from ya! 
  • Sign-off: Stay cool!

Another example. This time, we're not writing to our peers, but to someone older, such as our parents.

  • Subject line: To my lovely fam 
  • Greeting: Hey all! 
  • Intro: How is everything? Can't wait to see you and give you a hug! 
  • Body: Mom, Dad, I'm writing to inform you that my exams are a bit prolonged and I will be home next weekend, instead of promised Tuesday. There's NO NEED to meet me at the airport, just make sure to prepare my fav potato pie) 
  • Sign-off: Regards!

And finally, here are some links that will help you write informal emails:

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