Fun, Vocabulary, Writing. 18.11.2022

5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary

Author: Vasylisa Hrytsay

It may bother you to study English only with the help of books. So, today I will tell you about the alternative ways to study English, i.e. – about the 5 linguistic games for smartphones.


Every day, you will have an opportunity to guess a particular word, using the other words. There, you may exchange the results with your friends and have a contest to see who have guessed a word for the least amount of the helping hint words. Wordle fits both for the basic and for a higher level of English. If you’re a pro in English, you may turn on hard mode in the applications, which will certainly be liked by the lovers of the challenges.

5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 1)5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 2)

Apple Store
Google Play


Many people have played the table version of Alias, but there is also an electronic one. It will fit for the ones, who have already got the basic language skills and the company from the two people. The sense of the game is that one participant explains the word on the card to the others, not naming it and the cognate words. This game will help you to turn the passive English vocabulary into active and also to fill it with the synonyms of popular words. In Alias, you may choose one of the 16 various topics.

5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 3)5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 4)

Google Play

Words of Wonders

This is the game in the words in the shape of the crossword with additional possibilities. There, you need to make the words to fill in the crossword from the letters, which haven’t anything in common from first sight. With every level. The crossword gets bigger, and the combinations of the letters become more interesting. The game fits people with any level of English.

5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 5)5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 6)

Google Play


The other game-crossword, which even the one, who had just begun studying English, can play. Many different levels, on every one of which the clue to the common topic is given, and there are the letter combinations, from which you should make a crossword, scattered all over the field. It gets invisibly harder with every level, but there can’t be any progress without the difficulties!

5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 7)5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 8)

Google Play

Spelling bee

The game will help you to check your knowledge in spelling/writing the words by letters. It’s necessary to listen to a word, said by a native speaker, and to write it down correctly. If even after the second listening, the word remains unclear – you can always look in the keys. You can review your progress after each level.

  5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 9)5 Smartphone Games to Replenish Your English Vocabulary (screen 10)


We hope you will definitely like some of these games, and your knowledge of English will get better every day.

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