Exams. 01.05.2012

Підготовка до здачі TOEFL. QUOTATIONS

Автор: Таня Пекарчук

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Сьогодні до вашої уваги багато - та не занадто - цікавого: нові досягнення в лікуванні breast cancer, гарний listening (і навіть watching) від засновників Інстаграма, а також трішки граматики для покращення writing technics.


повна версія статті знаходиться тут

An international team of researchers has used a combination of genomic and gene expression analyses to identify 10 subtypes of breast cancer, each of which is typified by certain genetic aberrations. The classification of cancers can help researchers and doctors better understand patients’ responses to different therapeutics as well as prioritize drug design efforts for the most deadly of molecular disruptions.

The largely Canadian and UK team studied nearly 2000 breast tumor specimens from patients whose medical conditions were tracked for as many as 20 years after the specimens were taken. The researchers analyzed the genome sequences and gene expression levels of the tumors using DNA hybridization technology to examine changes in chromosomal architecture known as “copy number aberrations.” Breast cancer exhibits many of these structural changes--abnormal repetitions of chunks of chromosomes that can greatly alter the molecular landscape of a cell.

The researchers also identified molecular changes within some of the subtypes that could one day help doctors decide how to best treat an individual’s particular tumor type. Some clinics are already using DNA analysis to “personalize” cancer treatments and studies like this can focus doctors and drug companies on the most effective molecular targets for treatment or R&D.

The team is currently sequencing the genomes of some of the specimens, says Samuel Aparicio, a physician and cancer geneticist the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver. “We need the full mutational framework for breast cancers,” he says, referring to the more complete picture that whole-genome sequencing will provide. What the team learned in this study could help “shortcut some of the framework building by directing our attention to specific groups,” he says.




genomic, adj. relating to all the genes that are found in one type of living thing

gene, n. : a pattern of chemicals within a cell that carries information about the qualities passed to a living thing from its parents
gene for: a gene for breast cancer (=that makes you likely to get it)
in the genes (=passed through the genes):
He believes that shyness is in the genes.

aberration, n. /ˌæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ : something that is not normal or not what you would usually expect
a genetic aberration

therapeutics, n., un: technical the part of medical science relating to the treatment and cure of illness

disruption, n.  /dɪsˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/:  a situation in which something cannot continue because of a problem
    disruption to: The train strikes caused major disruption to thousands of commuters.
    a problem or action that interrupts something and prevents it from continuing

specimen, n, /ˈspesəmɪn/ : a small amount or piece that is taken from something, so that it can be tested or examined: a blood specimen

track, v: to follow or study the development or progress of something

exhibit, v,  /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/: to clearly show a particular quality, emotion, or ability
exhibit signs/symptoms/behaviour etc
a patient who is exhibiting classic symptoms of mental illness

abnormal, adj: very different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerous [≠ normal]
abnormal behaviour

chunk, n: a large thick piece of something

alter, v, /ˈɔːltə(r)/ [transitive] to make something or someone different
He altered his appearance with surgery.
This doesn’t alter the fact that what you did was wrong.

focus, v, /ˈfəʊkəs/ : to concentrate on something and pay particular attention to it
He needs to focus more on his career.

R&D: research and development

framework, n: a set of ideas, rules, or beliefs from which something is developed, or on which decisions are based
Einstein’s research provided much of the theoretical framework for particle physics.

shortcut, n.: a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one:
Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.
a quicker way of doing something
There aren't really any shortcuts to learning English.


Якщо ти - щасливий власник iPhone, то тобі вже давно відомо, що воно таке, той інстаграм. Відносно давно. Із жовтня 2010. Ну я для власників мобільних пристроїв, що живуть і працюють на Android, інстаграм став available тільки 3 квітня 2012, менше, як місяць тому. Але найбільше галасу спричинила все ж recent aquisition of Instagram by Facebook.
Отож, пропоную до вашої уваги рецепт успішного startup, Instagram, from the horse's mouth, i.e. Instagram cofounders (запозичено з Standford e-corner)

 Сподіваюся, вас надихнула розмова!



У більшості з нас є улюблені quotations. Приписані відомим людям чи не дуже, мудрі чи жартівливі, вони зазвичай яскраво і влучно виражають певну думку чи ідею.
Вміло використана цитата може слугувати гарним аргументом в вашому independant writing. Такі аргументи дуже подобаються оцінювачам, проте варто навчитись їх вживати.

Що ж значить вміло і правильно використати цитату?

По-перше, вона має бути доречною, щоб тобі не довелося ще абзац пояснювати, чому саме її ти використовуєш.

По-друге, ти маєш знати правильне англійське написання імені автора. Із цим пунктом все може бути дуууже весело, тож тим, хто в голові тримає імена славетних давньогрецьких мудреців тощо, раджу перевірити не тільки написання їх імен, а ще й звучання тих імен: є вірогідність великих для вас відкриттів :).

Так от, Арістотель стає Aristotle, Платон перетворюєтся на Plato, Енштейн turns into Einstein.
До речі, те ж саме можу зауважити про більшу частину назв книжок, фільмів etc. Так наприклад, "Князь" чи "Государь" (рос.) Мікіавеллі англійською набуває такої форми: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. А на думку спав саме цей твір, бо говорячи про багато речей можна згадати його "ціль виправдовує засоби", or in English "the end justifies the means."

Отож, як правильно оформити  цитату?

1. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks.

 As Niccolo Machiavelli said, "The end justifies the means."

2. Question marks should be placed inside the quotation marks if a quote is a question. If a sentance is a question, then the question mark should be placed aoutside the quotqtion mark.

 As Madonna asks in her song, "Are you walking the dog, or the dog is walking you?"

Note that we don't use an additional full stop after the question mark, that is we use only one punctuation mark in the end of a sentance. And if both a narration and a quotation are questions, use only one question mark inside the quotation.

3. Use quotation marks for direct quotes. If you cannot quote directly, you may use indirect speech.

Ну, і ось кілька цитат, що мені стали в нагоді при написанні тих чи інших essays.
І не забуваємо про те, що часто цитати можуть бути чудовими епіграфами. Так-так. Тими запозиченими фразами, що автори вставляють перед власне своїми творами.

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Confucius

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

"There's no way to happiness. Happiness is the way." Buddha

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Sigmund Freud

Go and play with it. Think of what quotations may be used to support any topic offered for the INDEPENDENT WRITING.


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein


На цьому все. TOEFL.cafe йде у відпустку, але як завжди на зв'язку за адресою [email protected].

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TOEFL cafe
загальний огляд TOEFL: типи завдань, принципи оцінювання тощо.

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