Fun. 12.10.2014

Open Kitchen. Осінні іриски з Олею Файзуліною

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

                                                                             Autumn Fudge

                                                                              with Olga Fayzulina
Hello-hello cold and sunny October!
This month I got lucky to open the doors of my green kitchen to marvelous head of  Yappi Business Engish School - Olga Fayzulina!
Watch our fudgy photos and try not to be lazy to repeat the recipe at home*)
Fudge was “born” at a female collage in Virginia, USA. 
The story is like this: college lecturer was handling a class of Toffee making when the temperature of concoction  was not taken high enough. The end product was called `fudge`, which is why the term `fudge` used to indicate an error or mistake.
The US remain one of the fudge-making centers of the world. For example tiny(крошечный,миниатюрный) Mackinac Island on the coast of Michigan has over fourteen fudge shops in just two streets, many dating back to the 19th Century. 
                                                                            Useful Vocabulary





the act or process of concocting.

відварювання, згущення

to indicate

to point out or show

вказувати, позначати


to continue to be

залишатись, продовжувати бути


Land next to the sea; the seashore.



 A soft rich candy made of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring

фудж, вершкова помадка

                                        Chocolate Pumpkin Peanut Butter Fudge
                                                  20 min*! No Bake! 100% autumn taste!

1 can(банка) sweetened condensed milk(сгущеное молоко), divided
200 gr dark chocolate
150gr white chocolate 
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup pumpkin puree (тыквенное пюре)
1/2 cup  peanut butter (арахисовое масло)
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (cinnamon/ginger/nutmeg (мускатный орех) in proportion 3/1/1)
1/3 cup chopped walnuts(порубленные грецкие орехи)
*20 minutes for cooking ony you have all the needed ingredients prepared inadvance!

How to
Line a baking pan with foil (фольга) and grease with oil (смазанная маслом).
Combine cubed chocolate and 3/4 cup of sweetened condensed milk.
Microwave your chocolate on high temperature for 1 minute; Mix well until melted.
Pour (влить) chocolate mixture into prepared pan and spread it evenly using spatula (шпатель,лопаточка); set aside in a fridge
Combine white chocolate (cubed) and butter; melt on high temperature for 1 minute. Mix well until even consistency (равномерная консистенция).
Remove from microwave and stir in the rest of condensed milk, pumpkin puree, peanut butter and pumpkin pie spice.

Pour over previously prepared chocolate laye (слой) and spread evenly using spatula.
Sprinkle with chopped nuts
Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm.
Cut and serve IMMIDIATELY..

                Bon Appetite!
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Пн.-Пт.: 9:00-20:30
Сб.-Нд.: 10:00-15:00
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вул. Гетьмана Павла Скоропадського, 9а, 3 пов.
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