Fun. 22.03.2013

Смачна англійська - Vegan Banana Bread

Автор: Маргарита Марфенко

                                           Vegan Banana Bread

I used to have a friend of mine, who was into yoga and wasn`t eating any products with so called animal-derived ingredients (
продукти тваринного походження), which means no eggs, no milk and of course no meat! Vegan refers to either a person who follows the vegetarianism, or the vegetarian diet itself.  I`m not vegan, neither do I follow this diet, but I do respect the people’s choices, especially if they concern food. So, this is how I change the ordinary butter&egg recipe of banana bread to the vegan one, so that my friend can eat.


2 medium bananas, smashed
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup of coconut milk (кокосове молоко) or water
1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar
1 tsp. baking soda / powder
pinch of salt
2 cups of flour

How to…

Good news is that you don`t need mixer for this recipe! So let’s start to get our hands in fit for summer by mixing everything with a help of a whisk (вінчик для збивання)

1) Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

2) Mash bananas in a large mixing bowl with a help of a fork (виделкою).
Mix in the sugar and vanilla sugar.

3) Sift (просійте) the flour, baking powder (or soda) and salt into the banana mixture.

 4) Add oil and coconut milk (or water), mix everything altogether. The texture of the dough might be tough (
щільна) and gummy (тягуча).

5) Add chocolate in the dough. You can also add nuts and berries, if you want. Mix everything well.

6) Pour mixture into a buttered (змащена маслом) loaf pan (форма для випічки хліба).

7) Bake for 50 minutes at 175°C. Cool it, remove from pan and slice to serve.

Bon Appetite!

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