Корисні фрази англійською на кожен день.

Як запитати дорогу англійською
I love traveling, don't you? And GPS really helps us find the places we want when we travel! However, sometimes our phones’ batteries die, and we need to ask real people for directions. Almost anywhere you go, people will be ready to help you (if they understand you, that is). And if you want them to…
Як сказати, котра година, англійською
What time of day is it? Are you an early bird or a night owl? What time do you usually get up? Do you set an alarm every day? Today, we’re learning how to talk about time! The Time of Day Morning – any time between 12am to 12pm - ранок Noon – it refers to 12pm and is the start of the…
Англійська мова в спортзалі
Summer has finished, New Year is not so close, so many of us consider that there is no need to go to the gym right now. However, think about a perfect figure and robust health! I’m sure you need them way before important occasions and, actually, always! So I suggest you get to know useful phrases…
Опис людей
How would you describe yourself? Would you first talk about appearance or character? How can you describe person’s build or type of hair? In what situations is it necessary to describe someone? If these seem like difficult questions to answer, that’s not a problem. Today I suggest figuring…
Як почати розмову
Have you ever had any difficulties starting a conversation? When you want to get to know someone or break an awkward silence, the hardest thing is start talking. Let’s learn how to handle different situations – formal or informal, at work, school, or other contexts – using the following…
Як писати email англійською
Surely you, like most modern people, write emails every day. Whether you’re writing to friends, colleagues or to a potential business partner, your main goal is to get your message across, in other words, to ensure the recipient understands you. That's why I prepared some useful phrases, so…
На вечірці
I love parties, do you? We can attend birthday parties, office parties, anniversary parties, house-warming parties and many others. Do you like organizing them, looking for decorations? Have you ever met anyone special at the party? Let’s learn some English phrases and words that are related to…
Приготування їжі
Do you like cooking? I do! What do you usually cook? Do you boil, fry or steam food? Have you ever baked a cake? There are situations when we get confused to understand some cooking vocabulary. Let’s figure it out today! Kitchenware Utensils Bowl – глибока тарілка Cup - чашка Fork - виделка…
В аеропорту
Have you decided where to travel next time? Have you found the best low-cost flights? Do you prefer travelling by plane? I’m pretty sure you come across different expressions all the time, but not always understand them. Do you know how to respond? In the case you don’t, the following list…
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