Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening. 18.04.2016
Sing and Learn

Співай пісні та вчи англійську: Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On

Автор: Ксюша Муравська

На вулиці справжня весна, тому понеділки стають приємніші! А вони можуть бути не тільки приємними, а й корисними, якщо ви приділите трохи свого часу нашій щотижневій рубриці Sing and Learn. Гості цього випуску - Major Lazer & DJ Snake з піснею Lean On.

[Verse 1:]
Do you recall, not long ago
We would walk on the sidewalk?
Innocent, remember?
All we did was care for each other

[Pre-Chorus 1:]
But the night was warm
We were bold and young
All around the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go

[Chorus: x2]
Blow a kiss, fire a gun
We need someone to lean on
Blow a kiss, fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

[Verse 2:]
What will we do when we get old?
Will we walk down the same road?
Will you be there by my side?
Standing strong as the waves roll over

[Pre-Chorus 2:]
But the nights are long
Longing for you to come home
All around the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go

[Chorus: x2]

All we need is somebody to lean on
 (We need someone to lean on)
All we need is somebody to lean on
Lean on ...
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ...

[Chorus: x2]


Future Simple:

  • What will we do when we get old?
  • Will we walk down the same road?
  • Will you be there by my side?

На зображенні нижче показано, як ми формуємо цей час, а також випадки використання.

Past Simple:

  • All we did was care for each other
  • But the night was warm
  • We were bold and young

Все про минулий час вам розповість постійна ведуча вебінарів - Мілена Сарічева.

Present Simple:

  • Do you recall, not long ago
  • We need someone to lean on
  • All around the wind blows

А про цей час нам сьогодні розкажуть наші чудові викладачі й адміністратори ось в цьому відео:

 First Conditional:

  • What will we do when we get old?

А це виявляється ще й умовн ереченя. Замість звичного всім if використовуємо when.


  • Sidewalk (n) - a path with a hard surface by the side of a road that people walk on (You can not walk on the road! It's dangerous! Pedestrians have to walk on the sidewalk)
  • Innocent (adj) - not guilty of committing a crime (Mike was innocent of the crime, so he was not imprisoned)
  • Bold (adj) - not frightened of taking risks (It was a bold to start doing this job)
  • Let go (v) - to stop holding something (Do not worry! Just let it go)
  • Lean on (v) - to use someone or something to help you, especially in a difficult situation (You can always lean on my support)
  • Long (v) - to want something very much (He longed to meet her again)

 Дякую за увагу) Сподіваюся, що ви трохи повторили часи і вивчили парочку нових слів!

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