Як говорити "Thank you"
There are so many things people do for us. And what we should never forget to do in return is to say “thank you”. Sometimes words are enough, sometimes not.  Але в будь-якому випадку вони ніколи не завадять. When we say "thank you” we make someone’s day better! …
Як радити англійською
Imagine that your friend has a problem and you know how to help him/her. But that friend doesn’t understand Ukrainian and Russian! So what should you do? Here’s what: you should learn how to give advice in English! Phrases for giving advice: I think you should (do something) – Думаю,…
Як запрошувати кудись англійською
Whenever we have a party or just want to go out with our friends for a drink at a bar, we need to invite people to join us. So how can we do that? Phrases for inviting: Would you like to + verb-1 ...? – Не хотів(ли) б ви (ти)...? How about V-ing...? – Як щодо...? I was wondering if you could…
Як сказати англійською, що вам щось не подобається
Last time we discussed how to talk about things we like. But what if we’re not always optimists and see life through rose-colored glasses?    I think we should know how to say that we don’t like something, as well as that we like something!    So this week I present to…
Як просити вибачення англійською мовою
Here are some expressions and phrases you can use to say that you’re sorry:  I’m really sorry! – Я справді дуже шкодую.  I would like to apologize. – Я хотів би попросити вибачення.  Please forgive me. – Будь ласка, вибачте мені.  I am so ashamed! –…
Як запитати дорогу англійською
I love traveling, don't you? And GPS really helps us find the places we want when we travel! However, sometimes our phones’ batteries die, and we need to ask real people for directions. Almost anywhere you go, people will be ready to help you (if they understand you, that is). And if you want them to…
Ведення переговорів
When two (or more) people want different things, they need to reach a compromise. The discussion that occurs in this situation is called a negotiation. The people are negotiators, and what they do is negotiate. We need to negotiate every day: with our family, with our colleagues and clients, with ourselves...…
Добірка американського сленгу
Американці використовують сленг кожен день, практично в кожній розмові. Якщо ви не розумієте цих слів, вам буде складно зрозуміти загальну суть того, що вони говорять. Тому я пропоную вам вивчити найпопулярніші сленгові вислови американської англійської, щоб швидко розпізнавати ці слова і без проблем…
Як контролювати розмову
Sometimes, we don’t know how to start or structure our conversation. Imagine that you’re talking about  the weather and you want to introduce another topic – how can you do it? How can you return to the previous topic of discussion? How can you interrupt someone politely? …
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Сб.-Нд.: 10:00-15:00
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