Актуальные новости на английском с подробным переводом и объяснениями.

Sky News: О необратимости влияния глобального потепления
On Monday the UN released a new report on environment and global warming. This issue, which seems quite obvious at first, turns out to be quite controversial. Some people believe it’s happening, others are skeptical and compare it to believing in aliens. I’m sure you’ve got an opinion…
Читай новости и учи английский – Tennessee whiskey law sparks spirited debate
Today we are going to find out about one more kind of war – a whiskey war in Tennessee – the home of one the most popular kinds of whiskey in the world. CBS This Morning will explain how whiskey can be controversial. Background – names, organizations and event you should know about:…
CNN: как прошел «референдум» в Крыму
The 16th of March passed, with predictable result. Every Ukrainian has his or her own opinion about this event and the situation in Crimea. But what did the media abroad show? Let’s see this “referendum” with the eyes of CNN reporters and audience. Background – names, organizations…
CBS: Malaysia Air Mystery. Разбор новости
People love mysteries, but unfortunately most of them are connected with some tragic events. Last week one more mystery appeared – a plane with 239 people on board just disappeared. There is still no answer to this mystery. I suggest watching the latest information from CBS and hoping for the…
Читай новости и учи английский – Thousands protest in Kyiv against Russian intervention
Dear friends, I wish we could watch a video about Oscar ceremony today, but it seems to be so far away and so unreal at the moment. Last week we could speak only about snipers, this week it’s time to speak about war but hope for peace. Let me introduce a video from CBS Evening news. Background…
Maidan as seen by BBC (18+). Разбор новостей
We continue watching news videos with you today. Unfortunately, this is the only possible topic for this week’s video. It would be totally unreasonable to discuss another piece of news disregarding the fact whether you support or oppose the protests in our country. So, the BBC journalist from…
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