Слова которые звучат одинаково, а пишутся по-разному.

Омофоны. Walk and work
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Want and won’t
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. See and sea
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Meet and meat
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Where, wear and were
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Shit and sheet
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Be and bee
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. Die and dye
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
Омофоны. High and hi, higher and hire
Hi, everyone! Did you know that there are special words called “homophones”? It has nothing to do with phones, if that’s what you thought. Homophones (омонимы) are words which have absolutely the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, if you write that you’re…
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