Что такое удивление? Если цитировать Википедию, удивление – это кратковременное эмоциональное состояние, которое мы испытываем, потому что произошло что-то неожиданное. Разные люди выражают это по-разному: А как выразить удивление словами, да еще и на английском? Вот как: Unbelievable! –…
One of the most extraordinary and inspiring stories last week was about this amazing young girl from Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai who became a Nobel Peace Prize winner at the age of 17. Watch the CBS Evening News story about Malala and her co-winner from India Kailash Satyarthi. Background – names,…
Осень — самый романтичный, загадочный и (не удивляйтесь) очень плодотворный season для тех, кто изучает английский. Именно в эту пору, как никогда, всех интересует главный вопрос: так какое же слово употреблять — autumn или fall. До 1500 г. осень называли harvest (урожай, период жатвы) от…
Even One Letter Can Make a Difference Я очень много печатаю. И все чаще полагаюсь на autocorrect или spellcheck. Думаю, сегодня разве что первоклассник пишет ручкой чаще, чем печатает. Но есть одно "но": есть слова, которые spellcheck мне не подчеркнет. Не подчеркнет, потому что эти слова…
What is a favor? Here’s what the dictionary says: Favor – a kind or helpful act that you do for someone. When we ask someone to do something for us, we ask for a favor. How can we do this correctly in English? Let’s find out: Can you (do something) for me, please? – Не мог бы…
Last week I was on 5 different flights in 2 days, which made me think about Ebola outbreak in a slightly different way. With all the air travel the world has become really small, but at the same time the chance of spreading all sorts of diseases has definitely increased. That’s why I ended up…
This week I decided to let you watch a video about something as ordinary as menus and food. There’s nothing sensational about this report but it might help you to find quite a decent place to grab a bite. So let’s watch CBS This Morning talk to the author of “Language of Food: A Linguist…
One of the biggest news last week was the referendum on Independence of Scotland. And even though we already know the results (Scotland voted No), let’s see what the VOA will tell us about this referendum and its consequences for the UK and the world. Background – names, organizations and…
Dear readers, welcome back to our Tuesday Newsday. A lot has happened since our last news video. Unfortunately, not many of them made us feel optimistic. But there are some positive changes too. One of them is a Ukrainian English-speaking channel – Ukraine Today. If you still haven’t heard…