Reading, Video, Vocabulary. 22.05.2018
English with Top News

Читай новости и учи английский: Royal wedding

Автор: Анна Чорная
Привет всем! А вы были среди тех десятков миллионов зрителей, которые следили за церемонией бракосочетания Принца Гарри и Меган Маркл? На этой неделе мы предлагаем вам новость, что приковала внимание многих на прошлых выходных. Статья подойдет для студентов уровня Elementary, она также содержит видео, где вы увидите самые интересные моменты и комментарии. В статье вы найдете некоторую свадебную, королевскую лексику, а также большое количество цифр. Пусть любовь правит миром!
The highlights of the Royal Wedding
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle told each other "I do" on Saturday, May 19 2018, officialising their union in front of the entire world.
Here are the key things you need to remember from the moving ceremony.
The dress:
Speculation about the wedding dress had been going on for weeks. The job of designing the dress went to Clare Waight Keller, the first female artistic director at French couture house Givenchy.
A five-metre-long veil, into which flowers representing 53 countries of the Commonwealth were carefully hand-embroidered, completed the ensemble.
Prince Harry and his best man, his brother The Duke of Cambridge, wore the frockcoat of the Blues and Royals.
Michael Curry’s fire:
It’s not everyday someone calls members of the British royal family “brothers and sisters.” But it’s exactly what Bishop Curry, from Chicago, Illinois, did during his impassioned address about the power of love.
“There's power in love, don't underestimate it,” he said.
At one point, he realised he may have gone on for two long, telling the congregation “we gotta get you all married!”
David Beckham:
With no maid of honour, viewers turned their attention to David Beckham.
The former England international and his wife, Victoria, were among the 600 guests in St George’s Chapel and his arrival caused quite a stir online.
The crowd:
Tens of thousands descended on the quiet town of Windsor to celebrate with the couple.
Their congratulatory cheer could be heard from inside the chapel when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, proclaimed them husband and wife.
Harry and Meghan had also invited some 2,500 members of the public to join watch the ceremony from the grounds of Windsor Castle. These included people recommended for their service to the community. Each were provided with a goody bag.
Here is the day in numbers, as compiled by the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead:
More than 110,000 visitors.
4km (2.5 miles) of bunting
140 Royal Borough Ambassadors volunteers
2,000 crowd barriers used along the procession route
68 catering units on the Long Walk and in Alexandra Gardens
13 large screens for visitors to watch the ceremony and procession
746 extra toilets.
13 tonnes of waste collected by a team of 80
20,160 bottles of water handed out to visitors and staff
45,000 passenger journeys on South Western Railway services and 22,000 on GWR
1,000 tonnes of material used to resurface town centre roads, covering the equivalent area of two football pitches.

Adapted from



  • officialising their union in front of the entire world – официально оформив их союз перед всем миром.
  • the moving ceremony – трогательная церемония.
  • Speculation – спекуляции, разговоры. Слово, которое очень часто звучит в прессе.
  • A five-metre-long veil – пятиметровая вуаль. В подобных прилагательных в английском языке, в состав которых входит числительное, не употребляется окончание множественного числа.
  • the Commonwealth – Содружество наций, добровольное объединение, в которое входят Великобритания и почти все ее бывшие доминионы, колонии и протектораты.
  • hand-embroidered – вышитые вручную.
  • best man – свидетель на свадьбе.
  • frockcoat of the Blues and Royals – китель Придворной кавалерии. 
  • Bishop – епископ.
  • don't underestimate it – не надо ее недооценивать.
  • maid of honour – подружка невесты на свадьбе.
  • his arrival caused quite a stir online – его прибытия вызвало волнения в сети.
  • descended on the quiet town of Windsor – приехали в тихий город Виндзор.
  • Their congratulatory cheer – их приветственный шум.
  • the chapel – часовня.
  • Archbishop of Canterbury – Архиепископ Кентерберийский, духовный глава Церкви Соединенного Королевства.
  • proclaimed them husband and wife – объявил их мужем и женой.
  • recommended for their service to the community – рекомендованные за их службу обществу.
  • a goody bag – сумка с подарками, которую обычно получают на празднованиях.
  • Bunting – материя для флагов.
  • catering units – выездные станции буфетного обслуживания.
  • to resurface town centre roads – изменить покрытие центральных улиц города.
  • football pitches – футбольные поля.
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