7 учебных интересностей для смартфонов
7 учебных интересностей для смартфонов
Сегодня мы продолжим знакомиться с различными приложениями, помогающими учить английский. Phrasal Verbs Machine by Cambridge University Press Фразовые глаголы – довольно сложная тема при изучении английского языка, ведь зачастую они не имеют ничего общего со значением глагола, с помощью которого…
Top News. Howdy, Ho, Ho. Техасский Санта любит свое хобби
Top News. Howdy, Ho, Ho. Техасский Санта любит свое хобби
It’s the last issue of Tuesday Newsday this year. And since we are on the verge of starting a holiday season with Christmas lights, presents and carols, I decided that this Associated Press news story about Santa from Texas will be perfect to get us into the holiday mood. Let’s meet Santa…
Top News. Рождественские огни
Top News. Рождественские огни
December is that time of the year. It gets cold and quite unpleasant to go outside. So what can cheer one up better than Christmas season? Christmas lights and trees can be seen everywhere. And some places have much more of them than the others. Watch this ABC News’s video to find out, where is…
Английская грамматика: Must-know prepositions
Английская грамматика: Must-know prepositions
Hello, my dear readers! Tell me, do you listen to music every day? Why can’t I say “listen music” or “listen at music” or “listen on music”? Because we say “listen to”. But why? – you will ask me. Because there are some prepositions that we…
Читай новости и учи английский – Когда индейка получает помилование президента
Читай новости и учи английский – Когда индейка получает помилование президента
The fourth Thursday of November is a great day for all the Americans all over the world – Thanksgiving Day. At the same time it’s one of the saddest days for all American turkeys. Well, almost. Two of them were not only spared, but also got to meet the President. CBS will tell us what a…
Top News. Годовщина смертельного голода 1930-х годов в Украине
Top News. Годовщина смертельного голода 1930-х годов в Украине
Holodomor is a great tragedy in the history of Ukraine. And I find it really important that not only we, Ukrainians, but also other nations recognize it as one and talk about it. That’s why I suggest watching this VOA news story about the commemoration of 1932-33 Holodomor victims. Background…
Новости. NBC News: Rosetta Lander “Philae” Lands on Comet
Новости. NBC News: Rosetta Lander “Philae” Lands on Comet
Last week the scientists and space fans all over the world had a possibility to witness a big step in the exploring of space live on TV. NBC News story will explain us what it was and how it can help us solve the biggest mystery of life. Don’t miss an extra video from BBC which will explain what…
Читай новости и учи английский – Some Debate Nostalgia for East Germany
Читай новости и учи английский – Some Debate Nostalgia for East Germany
Last week Germany commemorated a great event in their history – the fall of the Berlin Wall. And though East Germany was not a happy place, a lot of people feel nostalgic about those times (which reminds me a bit of the USSR nostalgia in Ukraine). This VOA video will explain what people miss and…
Learning English with the help of Cartoons
Learning English with the help of Cartoons
Изучая английский, мы, как правило, используем различные методы: прослушиваем подкасты и радио, смотрим сериалы и передачи, читаем книги и периодику на языке оригинала, подчеркиваем и выписываем слова в глоссарий и пр. Сегодня я расскажу вам еще об одном, казалось бы, забытом, но в то же время очень…
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