There’s always ways of motivating yourself to higher levels. Write about it, dream about it. But after that, turn it into action. Don’t just dream. Dan Gable Покупаю то обувь себе в магазине и слышу от продавщицы: - Так у вас нога нестандартного размера! - В смысле?! – говорит девушка.…
Всем привет. На этот раз я расскажу о следующих 7 интересностей из мира смартфонов и планшетов, которые помогут вам эффективнее и интереснее изучать английский. English Radio by Liang Yuan Слушать и понимать – не самая трудная часть изучения английского языка. Можно уделить чтению, письму и изучению…
Hello guys! Today I will tell you about some special words called collective nouns. Which sentence is correct? My family has dinner together every Sunday. My family have dinner every day. Actually, both! But why? Let’s find out… So, there are some words that can be and singular, and plural…
After months of showing the pictures and video of a new and “amazing” Apple Watch, the public finally got to find out what it’s going to do. Joe Fryer from the NBC News will try to explain how it is different from other watches and why people need it. Background – names, organizations…
Hello, my dear readers! Last time I told you about dependent prepositions (depend on, listen to). But sometimes, there are prepositions which completely change the meaning of the verb itself! What does “fall” mean? What does “out” mean? Well, and do you know what “fall…
Сегодня мы продолжим знакомиться с различными приложениями, помогающими учить английский. Phrasal Verbs Machine by Cambridge University Press Фразовые глаголы – довольно сложная тема при изучении английского языка, ведь зачастую они не имеют ничего общего со значением глагола, с помощью которого…
It’s the last issue of Tuesday Newsday this year. And since we are on the verge of starting a holiday season with Christmas lights, presents and carols, I decided that this Associated Press news story about Santa from Texas will be perfect to get us into the holiday mood. Let’s meet Santa…
December is that time of the year. It gets cold and quite unpleasant to go outside. So what can cheer one up better than Christmas season? Christmas lights and trees can be seen everywhere. And some places have much more of them than the others. Watch this ABC News’s video to find out, where is…
Hello, my dear readers! Tell me, do you listen to music every day? Why can’t I say “listen music” or “listen at music” or “listen on music”? Because we say “listen to”. But why? – you will ask me. Because there are some prepositions that we…