Listening. 13.04.2022

Preparation for a job interview in English with

Author: Tanya Pekarchuk

Preparation for a job interview (photo 1)

Preparation for an English interview should be done in advance, as it is a kind of test on the topic "I and my experience”. While you are the best expert in this field, it is of utmost importance to get ready in order to avoid any troubles.


Standard questions (or close to such) are the most important as well as frequent during a job interview in English.

Preparation for a job interview (photo 2)

If you had to start all from scratch – here is a selection of short courses to prepare for a job interview in English from the online course market Booyya.

Keep -30% with promo code HIRED30 and take courses:

  • LinkedIn Tutorial
  • Business English: CV, Cover Letters and Job Interviews
  • Elevator Pitch
  • 100 adjectives in English for office work
  • SMALL TALK in a business environment

Improve your English with Booyyа!

Nowadays, we are talking about how to successfully prepare for a job interview in English with – a free audio resource for learning English.

The Job Interview Frequently Asked Questions series will be your main resource in here. Each episode is dedicated to a common question, starting with advice on what to focus on when answering, what HR or recruiters expect from you, and the mistakes to avoid. 


Each podcast contains not only one, but also several options for answering a specific question. Options differ in complexity and specificity. You will be able to find all the necessary set phrases in them in order to form your answer at the interview in English with ease.

Register on the website, and you will have the opportunity to add new words to your vocabulary. Make sure you review them several times in order to reinforce them in your memory.

To nail your English interview, you need either a podcast plan or strategy! The following is being offered:

1) Listen (and read) the podcast.

2) Learn new words and set expressions.

To better remember new words and expressions work with the website tools:

Готуємось до співбесіди англійською разом з - 3

allows to see the explanation of the highlighted word when chosen 

Готуємось до співбесіди англійською разом з - 4

if you are willing, you can also look at the translation of this word

Готуємось до співбесіди англійською разом з - 5

replace the word with its translation. Then read the text and try to recall the replaced word in English 

3) Finally, listen to the podcast a couple of times by means of headphones in order to fix the result. Download the podcast to your smartphone and listen wherever and whenever you want. It is also worth your while reviewing new words in the dictionary several times.

NB: in the preparation for a job interview in English, the consolidation stage is almost of the utmost importance. Ignoring the reinforcement process undermines all your previous efforts.

Here are the most frequently asked questions:

Why did you choose this career?

Preparation for a job interview (photo 3)

What relevant experience do you have?

Preparation for a job interview (photo 4)

Why do you want to work for this company?

Preparation for a job interview (photo 5)

What is your biggest achievement?

Preparation for a job interview (photo 6)

Talk to your friends, native speakers, and teachers: tell about your achievements, pros, and cons in English. Do not underestimate the acquired knowledge: share it in posts on social media, write recommendations for friends and colleagues on LinkedIn.

After such preparation and motivation, you may decide to write a brand new CV in English. Then do not miss another podcast: How to Write a Good CV.

Preparation for a job interview (photo 7)

The perfect job for your best friend is not necessarily the ideal job for you. Take this motivating podcast into account: Work to Live or My Perfect Employment.

Preparation for a job interview (photo 8)

Remember that even in tough times you can freelance. If you still had a thought that your profession is not for freelancing, listen to this podcast: 5 Jobs you can do from anywhere.

Preparation for a job interview (photo 9)

Now you are capable of confidently using all the vocabulary you have learned to create a profile on one of the freelance platforms.

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