Matching – так називається досить великий блок завдань Reading Part письмового тесту IELTS, який умовно можна поділити на кілька підкатегорій:
- Matching information
- Matching headings
- Matching features
- Matching sentence endings
Examinees choose from the given options like names and pair them with something associated with the names like statements, inventions/discoveries or theories. There are instances when choices will be used more than once, or in some cases won't be used at all. These questions require you to match a list of opinions to sources mentioned in the text. These questions are used with texts which present a number of different people’s opinions.The sources are usually numbered and the opinions are given a letter each.
What's involved?
In the answer booklet you write the letter(s) beside the numbers. There could be more opinions than sources. If so, you will need to write more than one letter beside the question in the answer booklet. If there are more sources than opinions, then one of more or the opinions will be used more than once.
What skills are tested?
The matching type question in IELTS academic reading is given to test the examinees skills in recognizing opinions or theories. This type of question tests your ability to recognize relationships and connections between facts in the text and your ability to recognize opinions and theories. You need to be able to skim and scan the text to find the information quickly so that you can then read that part more carefully for detail.
How to approach it?
- focus on the names/dates/places
- scan the text for those names and underline them in the text – every time they occur
- look at all the questions for all the names
- read carefully and look for synonyms in the text
- underline/highlight parts of the passage that give the answer –
- mark them “?4” if you are uncertain
- mark them “4” if you are certain and cross out that question on the question paper
Звичайно, потренувавшись кілька разів, ви знайдете найбільш зручну для себе схему виконання цього завдання, але можна дотримуватись такої послідовності дій.
При виконанні цього завдання зверніть увагу на наступні рекомендації. Спочатку розглянемо невеликий приклад завдання. Нижче наведено деякі поради щодо того, яких помилок варто уникнути.
The way this reading works is you have to find elements in the text that match a list of people/places
eg, You have a list of names such as
A. George Stephenson
B. Richard Trevithick
C. Archimedes
D. James Watt
E. the Corinthians
F. John Fitch
and you have to match them to items in the text:
Which pioneer
1. was responsible for building a life size steam locomotive
2. legally protected the design of the working model of the steam locomotive
3. created a small scale replica of a steam locomotive
4. was defeated by the limitations of the raw materials available to him
5. understood the potential of steam locomotives to transport people
6. used steam as a form of propulsion
7. discovered how to use steam engines in the manufacturing industry
8. used animals and not steam to power a form of railway
1. Read the context – don’t word match
Look at this example:
The first step was the design of a working model of a steam locomotive by John Fitch in the United States in 1794
You may think that this means you can match John Fitch with 2. You see “the design of the working model of the steam locomotive” and you match it with “legally protected the design of the working model of the steam locomotive”. Sorry, you just lost a point by not reading the context and the question. We see nothing there that says Fitch legally protected the design.
2. Read for synonyms – don’t match words
Another problem is that you may need to look for synonyms or similar words in the passage and not the exact words in the question. Look at this example:
8. used animals and not steam to power a form of railway
It is no good looking for the word “animals” in the text because the answer is given by these words:
The Corinthians did not consider using steam to power this prototype of the railway but instead used horses and oxen.
This means you need to read for meaning and not just individual words.
3. You are looking for similar words in every question
In every question, you are going to be looking for “firsts” and “steam” and normally “locomotive’. This means it makes no sense to concentrate on these words in the text.
4. The questions do not follow the order of the text
This is one of those tricky question types where you cannot necessarily read the text and expect to find the questions coming in order. You may have to go backwards and forwards as you read: this is where you need to be sure of your scanning skills.
5. You may use more than one name once
Don’t be trapped into using each name just once. It may be that some names have two or more correct answers.
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Про Matching Sentence Endings можна подивитися тут:
У цьому відео розповідається про таке завдання як Matching Headings
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