About English Language, Vocabulary. 23.12.2020

How to learn English online

Author: Anastasiia Gutsul

In this article, we will help you figure out how to learn English remotely. We will provide you with resources for learning English online and help you find nice websites to learn the language. 


1. Essential tips for beginners on how to learn English online
2. Tips for those who have already started learning English online

Essential tips for beginners on how to learn English online 

1. Learn the alphabet and pronunciation of the letters 

The alphabet will be the easiest thing you will have to acquire while learning English online. Despite having only 26 letters, the language encompasses over 40 sounds that you must familiarize yourself with. 

When studying the alphabet, keep in mind a few essential points: 

  • Place importance on the visual component. Be sure to write down each letter you learn and its corresponding sound. 
  • Practice spelling your name. In most countries, especially when booking a hotel or completing documents, you may frequently be required to spell your name. 
  • Utilize flashcards, ensuring that each letter is associated with a corresponding word. 

2. Listen to basic sounds and try to figure out reading rules 

Here are some explanatory dictionaries that you can use to listen to sounds and words: 

How to learn English online (photo 1)

3. Learn words in chunks 

Enhance your vocabulary by learning words in chunks. This approach allows you to understand which words are used together and which are not. Maintain a sense of proportion in your learning, avoid memorizing more than 10-15 words per day. 

Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for driving me home.

I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for being so late.

I don’t understand.
Sorry, I don’t understand. The U.S. Electoral College seems very confusing!

Could you repeat that please?
Could you please repeat that?

What does _____ mean?
What does “font” mean?

Nice to meet you.
A: Hi Rebecca, I’m Chad.
B: Nice to meet you, Chad.
A: Nice to meet you too.

How are you?
Hi! How are you?

Where are you from?
A: Nice to meet you, Sergio. So, where are you from?
B: I’m from Spain.

How many (much)?
How much is this T-shirt? 

4. Listen to podcasts 

There is a huge number of online resources for individuals at all English proficiency levels who want to learn the language online: 

  • Innovative language podcasts. Register to gain access to free online classes and podcasts tailored to your language level. 
  • The English we speak. A free podcast by the BBC covering various interesting topics, including explanations of common expressions and proverbs. Each podcast is around 5-10 minutes long, making it suitable for all online English learners. 
  • Podcasts in English. This user-friendly website categorizes podcasts into three proficiency levels and includes topics specifically designed for those interested in learning Business English. 

How to learn English online (photo 2)

5. Find an online language exchange partner and practice speaking 

Connect with individuals seeking language exchange partners by registering on dedicated websites. Most platforms offer online video chat capabilities, facilitating language skill improvement and providing an opportunity to make friends. Check the following resources: 

  • Conversation exchange;
  • Global Pan friend;
  • Interpals;
  • English speaking pan pals.

6. Maintain motivation while learning English online

International studies suggest that it typically requires approximately 350-400 hours to reach an Intermediate level. If you dedicate an hour each day to your studies and build a vocabulary of 2700-3200 words, you can attain an Intermediate level within a year. 

7. Learn English online with Green Forest

The Green Forest English school has created an exceptional interactive textbook which will assist you in online English learning. Discover more about it in this video.

Additionally, you are welcome to review testimonials from our students about the Green Forest courses, gaining insights into teaching methodology, textbooks, and our teachers.

Tips for those who have already started learning English online

1. Set a goal

Motivation requires clear goals. «Acquire English at last» – is not a very clear goal, it is better to replace it with «improve your level within 6-8 months».

2. Find out your level of proficiency in English

Here are some sources where you can determine your English level online:

  • ILS English test – the test consists of 50 sentences, in each of which you will need to insert the correct missing word;
  • Test from the British Council – a universally recognized test from the British Council, easy to navigate, tests knowledge of the basic grammatical rules of the English language;
  • Cambridge test – a test that can assess not only basic English but also Business English knowledge and even English for schoolchildren.

You can accurately determine your level of English only after testing all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Most online English courses assess your spoken language through a dialogue with the teacher. Therefore, do not focus solely on the result of the online test.

3. Set a deadline

Learning a language often takes years of acquiring grammatical nuances and an infinite number of accents. Therefore, depending on your goal, it's beneficial to clearly define the time frame for achieving your goal. Consider your current level and estimate the time required to enhance your skills and advance to the next level.

4. Apply your knowledge in practice

The sooner you engage in English conversations, the quicker you'll witness progress in your studies. If initiating conversations with strangers feels challenging, consider recording your dialogues on a voice recorder. Another effective practice method is joining speaking clubs.

5. Take at least one online course

Online English lessons present an excellent opportunity to improve your proficiency level from the comfort of your home. There is no need to search for additional materials, as the developers have collected all essential resources within the course.

Some examples of free or affordable resources:

  • USA Learns. Free and the most popular online English course for adults. Created with funding from the US government, and it's free for everyone. It covers Beginner to Intermediate levels.
  • Speak in a week. This online English course is designed for those aiming to quickly develop speaking skills without delving deeply into grammar. It is particularly suitable for students with an Intermediate level and above. Registration is free, providing access to a diverse range of online English lessons.
  • Italki. It serves as a platform that connects teachers with individuals seeking online English lessons in a one-on-one format. The average price with a native speaker ranges between $10 and $20 per class.

6. Stay hungry for growth

Use English in everyday life. Listen to the radio in English, watch series and movies in the original. Learning something new is always a step out of your comfort zone. And if you watch movies without dubbing, the English language will no longer seem uncomfortable.

Even if you feel that you have no energy left to study English, it's okay to take a short break. As the English say: «Life happens». Therefore, when motivation is low, it is worth just taking a break and continue after recharging.

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